"you you!"

Du Man blushed with anger at her words.

"What are you, get out of here quickly, Miss Ben has no time to deal with you lowly people!"

Kang Xian'er pointed to the door with one hand, full of arrogance.

Du Man took a deep breath, trying to resist the urge to strangle Kang Xian'er to death.

"Miss Kang, don't forget, I have your handle. If you don't keep your promise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With that said, Du Man took out her phone from her bag, tapped it a few times, and then turned the screen to Kang Xian'er.

Kang Xian'er's patience was broken, and she wanted to call the waiter to come in and throw Du Man out.

However, when he saw her familiar watch, his eyes suddenly widened.

It wasn't until the video stopped playing that Kang Xian'er realized that she wanted to grab the phone.

However, Du Man put away the phone first.

"Where did you get this video? And why is my watch in that woman's hand?! Who is that woman?!"

Kang Xian'er yelled at Du Man angrily for not grabbing the phone.

That watch was a birthday present from her father, but it suddenly disappeared the day before yesterday.

For this reason, she almost didn't dig the Kang family three feet into the ground, but she still couldn't find it.

Unexpectedly, it appeared now!

And it's still in the hands of another woman, how can this keep her from getting excited? !

Kang Xian'er's reaction made Du Man frowned, and said with a dark face:

"Miss Kang, we are the only ones here, you don't need to pretend, you know who is in the video better than anyone else!"

It was said that no matter how stupid Kang Xian'er was, she knew something was wrong.

Kang Xian'er also turned dark, and stared at Du Man, "You mean that woman is me?"

"Miss Kang knows this well, doesn't she?"

Du Man was already planning to tear her face apart, so she wasn't afraid of Kang Xian'er.

"And it happened not long ago, it was only one morning, Miss Kang shouldn't be so forgetful, right?"

Now, Kang Xian'er finally understood that she was framed!

"Oh, it's ridiculous. You said morning? I have been drinking tea with my grandfather all morning. How could I go to see you?"

Kang Xian'er sat down slowly, and said with a sneer.

"Besides, my watch disappeared the day before yesterday, so how can I take out that watch?"

Now Kang Xian'er just wants to know if that watch is really hers.

If so, that woman stole her favorite watch!

Hearing this, Du Man's eyes widened.

A look of disbelief, but also doubts.

Seeing that Du Man didn't believe it, Kang Xian'er was not in a hurry, "If you don't believe me, you can go to the teahouse opposite and ask if I have been there all morning."

Du Man didn't speak, but stared straight at Kang Xian'er, as if she wanted to see something.

Then, in the end, Du Man still didn't see the slightest trace.

Only then did Du Man notice that the figure of Kang Xian'er in front of him seemed to be different from that of Kang Xian'er in the morning.

And the tone of voice is wrong.

Although a person's voice can be changed, it is very difficult to change a person's way of speaking and pitch.

Therefore, at this moment, Du Man suddenly realized that she was completely used by others!

After reacting, Du Man immediately wanted to escape from the private room.

"I know you by the way."

When Du Man wanted to escape, Kang Xian'er said lightly.

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