Ten hours later, the plane landed slowly.

At the end of November in country S, it was already very cold. Before getting off the plane, everyone put on thick coats.

"Let me get it for you."

Xie Yuze got up, and after carrying his backpack, he stretched out his hand to Lin Qian Yi, and said in a very gentlemanly manner.

Lin Qian Yi opened her mouth, just about to refuse.

However, Yan Qiqi, who appeared out of nowhere, took the lead.

"No, Miss's things, I'll get them."

Saying that, Yan Shiqi didn't give Xie Yuze a chance to react, just passed him and picked up Lin Qian Yi's backpack.

At the same time, he did not forget to help his wife up, preventing Xie Yuze from being courteous.

Xie Yuze smiled gently, not caring about Yan Shiqi's cold attitude at all.

"Okay then, let's go."

As he said that, he took a step back, obviously to let Lin Qian Yi go first.

Yan Shiqi, who always had a cold face, frowned slightly, and glanced at Xie Yuze, with a flash of cold light.

She didn't have any affection for Xie Yuze who continued to pester Xie Yuze knowing that her wife already had a boss.

There is even a little contempt and disgust.

Even if you can't completely let go, you should still be magnanimous and not take advantage of it?

From the moment he got on the plane to the present, Xie Yuze's obvious thoughts can be seen by a blind person, right? !

I deeply feel that my wife and the BOSS are Yan Shiqi's true love. Now guarding against Xie Yuze is more strict than guarding against thieves.

"Miss, be careful."

Yan Shiqi turned around, and his height of more than 1.7 meters stood in front of Xie Yuze.

Seeing Yanyan Shiqi's outstretched hand, Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, and put her hand over.

As if they didn't notice at all, the two secretly acted.

After leaving the airport, everyone got on a bus that had been arranged long ago and headed to the shooting location.

The current time in Country S is seven in the morning, and the sun has just risen.

The slightly warm sun fell on the body, which seemed to reduce the coldness a bit.

Looking at the white snow outside the window, Lin Qian Yi suddenly had the urge to watch the snow scene with her fourth master.

However, it's just a thought.

After all, she and her fourth master are now separated from each other.

Lin Qian Yi had to admit that she had only been separated for ten hours, and she missed her fourth master very much.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi finally realized the bitterness of longing.

"Yiyi, do you like snow?"

Xie Yuze, who was sitting next to Lin Qian Yi, saw her looking out of the window in a daze, so she couldn't help asking.

Looking at the white awns all over the mountain, Lin Qian Yi thought for a while, then nodded slightly, "Yes, I like it."

However, what she likes more is watching the snow with her fourth master.

As long as she is with her fourth master, she likes it.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face softened even more.

Xie Yuze, who had been watching her all the time, saw that familiar smile, his heart suddenly moved, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Xie Yuze didn't speak any more, instead he was thinking about something thoughtfully.

The shooting location this time is a relatively remote city in country S.

After arriving at the shooting location, it was almost twelve o'clock.

After getting out of the car, the cold became more obvious, and Lin Qian Yi shrank her neck subconsciously.

"Is it cold?"

Xie Yuze followed her out of the car, saw her movements, and couldn't help asking with concern.

"It's okay, just get used to it."

Lin Qian Yi shook her head.

The shooting location is a small village surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is very beautiful.

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