Although he knew there was nothing wrong with it, he couldn't help but feel blocked in his heart, and instantly felt that his whole body was not well.

In just a few tens of seconds, Lin Qian Yi felt what his fourth master felt last night.

"Sorry, there won't be a next time."

Lin Qian Yi hugged him tightly, buried her face in his chest, and promised sullenly.

Holding the person in his arms, Di Yanmo's stern face became softer and softer.

"Okay, it's time to get up."

Di Yanmo gently stroked her back, "You are going to attend the statuette awards today."

"what time is it?"

Lin Qian Yi was lazy, nestled in her fourth master's arms, not wanting to get up.

"Two o'clock in the afternoon."

Di Yanmo replied.

"this late?"

Lin Qian Yi wrinkled her little face, haha.

Now, she is still sore all over, especially her old waist, which is almost numb.

Seeing that his little wife had no intention of getting up, Di Yanmo had no choice but to hug her.

For the lazy little wife, wash and change clothes by herself.

After washing and filling my stomach, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Qian Yi snorted and got into the car without noticing it, and followed Di Yanmo who got into the car.

After the car drove away, Lin Qian Yi realized that there was another person sitting beside her!

Lin Qian Yi looked up, and saw her fourth master looking at her dotingly.

Lin Qian Yi blinked her eyes, she was still there, so she rubbed her eyes, she was still there.

"Yan Mo? Why did you get in the car?"

Lin Qian Yi asked suspiciously.

At the same time, I also looked at the layout of the car. That's right, this is the car she usually uses.

"I'll accompany you."

Di Yanmo rubbed her little head, and said calmly.

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Qian Yi's face, her bright eyes shone with a scorching light.


The car stopped halfway, and Lin Qian Yi went to a clothing store. After changing into a dress, she continued to go to the awards ceremony.

As for jewelry and make-up, Lin Qian Yi didn't care at all.

She felt that such a self was already very good.

When we arrived at the awards venue, there were already many people inside.

Although Di Yanmo said that he came to accompany Lin Qian Yi, his identity was too special after all.

Therefore, Di Yanmo just secretly sat in the VIP room upstairs, watching the scene below.

Except for the organizer, no one noticed that the invisible emperor of City A came to this awards venue.

Lin Qian Yi sat in the seat arranged for her by the organizer.

Not long after Lin Qian Yi sat down, Qi Ling also came.

The two talked for a while and then separated.

After all, Qi Ling is a first-line actor, and she is just a young actress who has just started.

The positions where the two sit are naturally different.

Soon, the awards ceremony will begin.

Just as director Wan Xuanmin expected, Lin Qian Yi won a Best Supporting Actress award.

Under the glittering golden light, Lin Qian Yi held the statuette and elegantly spoke her acceptance speech.

Afterwards, Qi Ling and Wan Xuanmin also won the Best Director Award for After-TV.

The award presentation didn't end until ten o'clock in the evening.

Sitting in the car, Lin Qian Yi looked at the statuette in her hand, and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

"Very happy?"

Seeing his little wife staring at the little golden man, Di Yanmo rubbed her little head and asked dotingly.

"Of course, this is the first award I've received, and it's the first time I've officially participated in a performance. I won this award, but many people are envious of it."

Lin Qian Yi raised her head and said arrogantly.

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