My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 513 Mr. Anyang, Ms. Lin Qianyi, it seems that your relationship is not simple, right?

"Well, I drank too much juice."

Lin Qian Yi smiled and nodded.

"Come on, I'm going too."

With that said, she walked side by side with Lin Qian Yi.

"Qian Yi, don't you like such occasions? I don't think you have much fun."

While walking, Anyang looked sideways at Lin Qian Yi, with a sunny smile on his face that made it impossible to guard against.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi shrugged, "I really don't like such occasions, it's too noisy."

Lin Qian Yi said half-jokingly.

"Hehe, that's right."

Anyang chuckled, and scratched his head honestly, like an innocent boy who just came out of society.

"If you like a quiet place, I know there is a quieter place in City A that you should like. When you are free, I will take you there."

Anyang seemed to think about it, and said to Lin Qian Yi with a smile.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes flickered, with a just right alienated smile on her face, she was just about to refuse.

However, before she could speak, a large number of reporters suddenly poured out of the relatively wide corridor.

Without waiting for them to react, slap them hard.

A large number of flashing lights made the originally slightly dim corridor instantly bright as day.

And when these reporters rushed up, Anyang suddenly approached Lin Qian Yi and lifted her waist upstairs with one hand.

The other hand was in front of Lin Qian Yi, as if to protect her.

However, at the critical moment, Lin Qian Yi's arm invisiblely blocked the hand that was about to land on her waist.

"Mr. Anyang, Ms. Lin Qianyi, may I ask why you two appeared in this KTY together? Are you dating?"

"Yes, are you together? How long have you been together?"

"We saw you coming out of the private room together just now, how long have you been in there?"

Before Lin Qian Yi could react, the reporters rushing forward rushed to ask questions.

He looked at the reporters who surrounded them.

Lin Qian Yi frowned, and glanced at Yan Shiqi who was blocked outside by those reporters.

Regarding these questions, Lin Qian Yi hadn't spoken yet.

Anyang on the side spoke first.

"You misunderstood, we have nothing to do with each other."

An Yang touched his nose in a simple and honest manner, but his eyes were 'lovely' looking at Lin Qian Yi.

Those reporters are all good people, how could they not notice his gaze.

As a result, the questions of those reporters became more ambiguous.

"Mr. Anyang, we didn't ask you what your relationship with Miss Lin Qian Yi is. Besides, looking at you, your relationship doesn't seem simple, does it?"

The reporter deliberately played with words, asked Anyang sharp questions, and at the same time, turned the question around.

Sure enough, Anyang was taken aback for a moment and then blushed, as if he was very embarrassed.

It was obvious at a glance that he and Lin Qian Yi had problems.

"I, we really have nothing to do with each other. Yiyi and I are just ordinary friends."

Anyang blushed with embarrassment.

However, the more he explained, the more loopholes were caught by reporters.

"Yiyi? Mr. Anyang, you are already called Miss Lin Qian Yi so closely. If you say that you are ordinary friends, no one will believe you?"

What Anyang said made those reporters even more excited, and at the same time they got closer.

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