My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 519 Who can escape from the desire for profit?

The life and death of other people has nothing to do with him!

If you want to blame, you can only blame them for being unlucky!

"Anyang?" Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, yes, Anyang told me."

Wan Xuanmin nodded repeatedly, his lowered eyes flashed with a sinister light.

Looking at Wan Xuanmin who was completely different from before, Lin Qian Yi suddenly lost the will to continue playing psychological warfare.

"Tell me why."

Lin Qian Yi stood up and slowly walked towards Wan Xuanmin who was kneeling on the ground.

Looking at Lin Qian Yi who was coming.

Wan Xuanmin was frightened and panicked and retreated, however, he pressed against the door, unable to retreat.

"Say, say what."

Wan Xuanmin clenched his fists hard, trying not to look so guilty.

Lin Qian Yi sneered, and the corner of her mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

"Of course, why did you give up the big job of Emperor's Entertainment, and even risked offending the emperor of City A to design me?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at him condescendingly.

"In less than three years, you will definitely become an international first-line director. Why would you ruin your career? What benefits did they give you? Is it really worth it?!"

Every word of Lin Qian Yi shocked Wan Xuanmin.

I wanted to rejoice just now, but it was instantly destroyed at this moment.

She knows it all, she knows everything!

All thoughts were lost, Wan Xuanmin suddenly looked up and glared at Lin Qian Yi as if he was going all out.

"Why? Of course it's because they gave me what I dreamed of. If I stay in Emperor's Entertainment, I can get it in the end, but I can't wait! I can't wait that long!"

Wan Xuanmin roared excitedly, his eyes turned scarlet.

"I want to succeed now, I want to become the top ten thousand people in the entertainment industry! I want all the directors to look at my face! I want them all to kneel at my feet!"

The more he talked, the more excited Wan Xuanmin became, as if he was so confused by the pinnacle of power that he lost his mind.

Hearing Wan Xuanmin's ridiculous reason.

Lin Qian Yi looked at him with icy cold eyes, as if she was looking at a dead person.

She never thought that Wan Xuanmin's betrayal would be such a ridiculous reason!

It's only three years, can't you wait?

So, what are all his previous efforts?

Sure enough, who can escape the lust for profit?

How many innocent people can maintain their original innocence after entering the society?

Lin Qian Yi squatted down slowly, and looked at Wan Xuanmin, the murderous intent in her eyes was undisguised.

"No, no! You can't kill me, you can't kill me!!"

Seeing the murderous intent in Lin Qian Yi's eyes, Wan Xuanmin, who had just fallen into a state of madness, instantly widened his eyes in fear.

Seeing his frightened appearance, the mockery in Lin Qian Yi's eyes became more and more obvious.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi shot out suddenly and grabbed Wan Xuanmin's neck.

With the other hand, he ripped off his coat violently.

The bag inside the coat was placed on a mobile phone with video recording turned on.

Lin Qian Yi took the phone, let go of Wan Xuanmin's hand, and slowly stood up.

Wan Xuanmin, who had walked from hell, coughed violently the moment Lin Qian Yi let go.

Breathing air desperately.

However, when she saw the mobile phone in Lin Qian Yi's hand, she felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and her whole body trembled violently with fear.

"It seems that you are not giving up."

Lin Qian Yi looked at him with a half-smile.

Immediately, under his horrified gaze, he let go of his hand, and the phone suddenly fell to the ground.

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