My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 521 Lin Qian Yi's big sponsor is a big shot in City A

"I have nothing to do with her, please don't write nonsense."

As he said that, Wan Xuanmin seemed to be scruples and afraid of something, and it made people know that there was something tricky at a glance.

As a result, those reporters became even more excited.

"Director Wan, you seem to be very afraid of the big money backer behind Lin Qian Yi. Why? Did she warn you? Or did she threaten you?"

"Yes, yes, Director Wan, you might as well tell me, if you are really threatened, we can inform the public so that they can seek justice for you."

Those reporters persuaded impassionedly.

Wan Xuanmin seemed to think about it for a while before speaking tremblingly.

"I, I am very sorry for the audience, and I am very sorry for my work. I did not find the right person to play every character in the play. I am ashamed."

Wan Xuanmin had an apologetic face, and even bowed to apologize.

"I really don't dare to speak out about the big financial backer behind Lin Qian Yi. Once I tell, I will surely die. Please don't ask me any more."

Wan Xuanmin said fearfully, then waved his hands, and wanted to leave.

However, those reporters swarmed over him and refused to let him go at all.

"Director Wan, from what you say, the big money backer behind Lin Qian Yi must be a big shot in City A? And he dared to tell you to be careful with your life, that's even more difficult."

"That's right, you've already said it just now, and that big benefactor will definitely not let you go. You might as well tell it all. If you say it, you can still get protection."

"If something happens to you one day, then we will all know that it was the initiative of that big gold, and we can seek justice for you."

After listening to those reporters' words, Wan Xuanmin's eyes flashed a glint of complacency.

However, his face was full of horror, as if he would not speak out even if he died.

"Sister-in-law, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to solve this matter."

After the news finished playing, Di Yanfeng stretched out his hand to freeze the computer screen, and said worriedly.

"Yes, sister-in-law, we should have shot last night."

Song Le, who was sitting beside Di Yanfeng, also spoke worriedly.

"It's his uncle! Wan Xuanmin is such a bastard, my young master praises him so much, yet he dares to stab this young master in the back! Damn it!"

Thinking of the cultivation of Wan Xuanmin in the past, Di Yanfeng was so angry that he wanted to beat Wan Xuanmin to death!

At the same time, Di Yanfeng was also very annoyed, why didn't he see before that Wan Xuanmin was an ambitious person? !

"How about we go kill him and blame others?"

Song Le's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said excitedly.

However, he was slapped on the back of the head by Di Yanfeng.

"You stupid, didn't you see it just now?! If anything happened to Wan Xuanmin, those reporters would blame it on my sister-in-law. If you move him, wouldn't you just cause trouble for my sister-in-law?!"

Di Yanfeng yelled at Song Le with a face full of hatred for iron and steel.

Song Le was yelled until her ears buzzed, rubbed her ears, and asked weakly, "Then what should I do? Are they just allowed to slander my sister-in-law like this?"

"Of course not!"

Di Yanfeng gritted his teeth and stared.

"Brother, what do you think?"

Di Yanfeng held back the anger in his heart, looked at his brother opposite and asked.

The light in Di Yanmo's eyes was dim, and his cold face was terrifyingly calm at this moment.

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