Seeing that it was Qiu Yuxian, Che Yifei unsuspectingly told Qiu Yuxian what happened just now.

"So, she will definitely go to your birthday party the day after tomorrow?"

Qiu Yuxian's eyes flickered, and the hand holding the bag tightened slightly.

Che Yifei nodded happily, "Yes, she promised, she will definitely come."

Hearing this, a dark light flashed in Qiu Yuxian's eyes, and a strange smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm going to make a phone call, you go on shopping, I'll find you later."

After speaking, Qiu Yuxian hurried out without waiting for Che Yifei's response.

Che Yifei looked at her hurried back with some doubts, but quickly put this doubt aside.


three days later.

Di Yanmo happened to have something to deal with today, so he will come back later in the evening.

However, a few more hidden guards were sent to protect her.

The good name is: protect the little wife.

As soon as Lin Qian Yi got in the car, she received a call from her mother.

"Mom? What's the matter?"

Lin Qian Yi asked as soon as she connected.

Didn't you call just now?

"Baby girl, come and pick me up, and I will follow you."

Xia Yuwei went straight to the point.

Lin Qian Yi frowned in confusion, "Mom, don't worry, isn't there Yan Shiqi?"

Lin Qian Yi thought she was worried, so she pulled Yan Shiqi out.

"No, you come to pick me up, I must follow you!"

This time, Xia Yuwei's attitude was very tough.

Helpless, Lin Qian Yi could only agree.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yuwei, who was standing at the door, frowned tightly, and couldn't hide the worry in her eyes.

For some reason, she always felt uneasy.

This anxiety started when my daughter called her just now and told her to go to a friend's birthday party.

Moreover, she was obviously not cold at all, but she felt a coldness rising in her heart for no reason.

Strong anxiety filled her heart, so she could only go with her daughter with a tough attitude.

Hope she feels, is wrong.

Lin Qian Yi didn't know Xia Yuwei's uneasiness. Now she was worried about her old mother and felt helpless.

It was five o'clock when we arrived at Che Yifei's house.

Because Lin Qian Yi thought, come earlier, and when there are many people waiting, she will leave first.

In this way, it shouldn't be considered rude, right?

"Daughter, let's go back."

As soon as she got out of the car, Xia Yuwei felt even more uneasy, so she nervously grabbed her daughter and wanted to leave.

"Mom, they're already here, just stay for a while, nothing will happen."

Lin Qian Yi held her back and said with a smile.

Immediately, seeing that her expression was a little strange, she couldn't help asking worriedly:

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Your face is a little pale, is there something wrong?"

Facing her daughter's worried gaze, Xia Yuwei quickly shook her head, "It's all right, I, I just ate too much just now, and my stomach is a bit full."


Lin Qianyi was thoughtful.


Xia Yuwei raised her head and met her daughter's gaze calmly.

Seeing this, Lin Qian Yi ignored the strangeness in her heart.

The daughter's gaze seemed to have magical powers, which made Xia Yuwei's heart, which was extremely restless just now, strangely, and gradually calmed down a lot.

Realizing this, Xia Yuwei couldn't help but wonder if she was being overwhelmed with love?

However, in order not to worry her daughter, she tried her best to suppress the last trace of uneasiness in her heart.

But not long after, Xia Yuwei regretted it very much, why she didn't force her back then and took her daughter away!

If she had insisted at that time, perhaps that danger would not have happened.

However, the world has no regrets about this.

Therefore, it can only be said that fate is like this, not all life and happiness will never change.

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