"No! I won't leave! I will follow you, and I won't leave even if I die!"

Now, Xia Yuwei may also realize that those men in black will not let her daughter go.

Therefore, I firmly followed my daughter.

If something happened to her daughter, she would definitely not be able to survive.

The motivation for her to live these years is entirely because of this daughter she picked up by accident.

Therefore, for the sake of her daughter, she can even give up her life!


Lin Qian Yi was in a hurry now.

"Yiyi, you know that although your mother is useless, I can't take care of you well, and I can't protect you, but this time, I will definitely protect you, even if it takes my old life!"

At this moment, Xia Yuwei's face was pale and weak, but her eyes were extremely firm.

Seeing the deep love between Lin Qian Yi's mother and daughter, a look of anger flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

However, realizing that they had little time left, a decision was made immediately.

"Hurry up, take away their weapons, take these two people into the car, and evacuate!"

The leading man in black sneered at the men in black who had stopped, and then pointed at Lin Qian Yi's mother and daughter.


Seeing that Lin Qian Yi was about to be taken away, Yan Shiqi hated her powerlessness so much.

The other six people in military uniforms also looked at each other quickly, exchanging views on whether they could desperately send Lin Qian Yi away safely.

But it was stopped by Yan Shiqi again.

Because, Yan Shiqi saw the hint from Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi put the small tracker she had thrown behind her just now into her shoe.

Let them save their lives first, and then bring someone to rescue her.

In the end, Yan Shiqi could only watch helplessly as his wife was taken away, but she couldn't do anything.


The car backed up abruptly and left quickly.

The five cars disappeared from Yan Shiqi's sight in an instant.

"Urgently notify the boss! I'll have someone find out the location of my wife!"

Yan Shiqi yelled at the six people, then took out his mobile phone, trying to get someone to lock the tracker.

However, at this moment.

The sound of violent brakes kept coming, and there should be at least a dozen or more cars.


More than a dozen vehicles stopped quickly in front of Yan Shiqi and others, and then countless people in uniforms got off the vehicle.

And the person at the front is the one that Yan Shiqi respects from the bottom of his heart.

"Boss, Madam was just taken away, over there."

Seeing Di Yanmo who looked like the emperor of the dark night, Yan Shiqi rushed over as if seeing a savior, shouting loudly.

She hoped that the BOSS could rescue his wife in time!

Hearing this, Di Yanmo, who had just strode forward with strides, felt a chill in his eyes, and quickly got back into the car.

In just three seconds, more than a dozen cars disappeared in an instant, trying to catch up with the car in front.

Watching the boss catch up, Yan Shiqi did not forget to ask someone to send the location of his wife to the boss.

Soon, Di Yanmo's car finally saw the car that took Lin Qian Yi away.

Sitting on the co-pilot, Yan Yi felt the icy cold, eerie aura of the boss, as if coming up from hell, and couldn't help being even more frightened.

Resisting the oppressive feeling brought by his own boss, Yan Yi opened the car window, raised his hand holding the pistol, and wanted to shoot through the tire of the vehicle in front.

However, Di Yanmo's angry and cold voice suddenly sounded behind him.

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