My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 556 In terms of madness, who is better than God Yanmo?

During this period, the killing intent on Di Yanmo's body did not diminish, but became more and more cold, and the hand that pulled the trigger was extremely skillful.

Of the five cars, only two were left, but Di Yanmo didn't do anything anymore.

Because, his little wife is in the second car!

He didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't afford to gamble!

The two cars in front moved forward rapidly, while Di Yanmo's dozen or so cars were chasing after him.

Ten minutes later, they came to a large abandoned factory site.

The two cars turned around, trying to get rid of the car behind them.

Di Yanmo stopped the car from continuing to catch up.

Yang Zhong immediately slammed on the brakes and stopped the car.

A minute later, Di Yanfeng's eager voice came from the computer placed on the car seat by Di Yanmo.

"Brother, they are in the abandoned factory No. XX in Area B."

As soon as the words were spoken, Di Yanmo had already opened the car door and walked out.



Two cars stopped in front of an abandoned factory.

"get off!"

The man in black got out of the car quickly, pointing the guns at Lin Qian Yi and Xia Yuwei.

Xia Yuwei supported Lin Qian Yi and got out of the car carefully.

The leading man in black suddenly became impatient, "Hurry up!"

"Go in."

After Lin Qian Yi and the two got out of the car, the man in black ordered again.

Lin Qian Yi quickly glanced at the abandoned factory in front of her, and immediately remembered the factory that almost killed Su Xiaoqing last time.

Could it be that she has a grudge against the abandoned factory?

Lin Qian Yi walked in cautiously through the narrow door.

The light inside is much brighter than the night outside.

It also made Lin Qian Yi clearly see that Di Bowen was sitting in a wheelchair, staring at her ferocious face.

Although he had vaguely guessed who it was, he couldn't help being shocked when he actually saw Di Bowen and his son.

What's more, what surprised Lin Qian Yi even more.

The twenty or so people surrounding the abandoned factory were also wearing military uniforms, but they were not the military uniforms of country A.

It's the military uniform of Country B!

It seems that Prince Guo Jindou of Country B values ​​Emperor Beiping's life-saving kindness very much.

Even the army was lent to Emperor Beiping.

"Lin Qian Yi! Didn't expect it? You will fall into my hands one day!"

Seeing the surprise in Lin Qian Yi's eyes.

A ferocious smile appeared on Di Bowen's face, making his slightly distorted face even more terrifying.

After being surprised, Lin Qian Yi regained her composure.

Her fourth master will definitely follow.

For some reason, she had inexplicable confidence in her fourth master.

Or, is this unconditional trust?

"I didn't expect it."

Without fear, Lin Qian Yi met Di Bowen's dark gaze.

"I never thought that you would do such crazy things in order to hold me and blackmail Yan Mo."

Although it was at night, he took a gun and fired without fear, and made such a big noise.

Are they not afraid of the laws of country A?

"Oh, crazy?"

Di Bowen sneered, and then became full of hatred.

"In terms of madness, how can it be compared to God Yanmo? He can even destroy those of his relatives without mercy, he is the real madman!"

Di Bowen grasped tightly with both hands, his legs that had no feeling, and the monstrous hatred in his eyes almost burned him in them.

"The pain he gave me, I will definitely return it to him a hundred times! If he crippled my legs, then I will cripple his limbs and make him a completely useless person!"

Di Bowen's eyes turned scarlet in an instant, staring at Lin Qian Yi like a ghost climbing up from hell.

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