My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 558 Even if it's a good dog, it's not yours

The muzzles of the rifles were aimed at the enemy.

"Papa——Sure enough, there are two hits."

Di Beiping clapped his hands, took a step forward, stared at Di Yanmo with eyes like a poisonous snake.

"However, you still failed to protect your weakness."

Speaking, Di Beiping smiled and glanced at Lin Qian Yi, "Your weakness is in my hands now, lost."

Di Beiping's face was full of joy at this moment.

It seemed that the five years of being suppressed had finally turned around.

Di Yanmo's cold face remained unchanged, his cold and deep eyes looked at Di Beiping.


Di Yanmo's reaction, as well as his calm tone, made the joy on Di Beiping's face dissipate instantly.

A trace of anger flashed in Di Beiping's eyes.

Di Yanmo's calmness made him feel like he was acting alone like a clown!

"Di Yanmo! Tell your people to put down their weapons, otherwise... I will let her report to the Palace of the King of Hell first!"

Seeing Di Yanmo come in, Di Bowen's eyes were filled with excitement, and the ferocious smile on his face became more terrifying.

He took out a gun from nowhere and pointed it at Xia Yuwei.

Di Yanmo narrowed his eyes slightly, then raised his hand and made a gesture.

Although Yanyi and the others were unwilling, they still put their weapons on the ground one after another.

"Kick off."

Di Bowen ordered again.

The hostage is in Di Bowen's hands, so Yanyi and the others can only obey obediently.

Seeing them obeying obediently, Di Bowen's heart instantly felt relieved, and he looked at Di Yanmo with disdain.

"Heh, he is really a loyal dog, he is really obedient."

Di Bowen sneered, feeling very unhappy.

Looking at Di Bowen's smug face, Yan Yi wanted to shoot him, make him so proud, make him crazy!

What a mad dog!

However, Yan Yi gritted his teeth fiercely when he saw his wife being clamped.

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Di Yanmo raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced around at the people on Di Bowen's side.

"They are indeed good dogs. Unfortunately, no matter how good they are, they are not yours."


Di Bowen was in a hurry, and subconsciously wanted to stand up and rush over to teach Di Yanmo a lesson.

However, he suddenly fell to the ground and ate a dog gnawing mud.


Seeing Di Bowen eat dog gnawing mud unexpectedly, a smile flashed in Lin Qian Yi's eyes.

Seeing his son eating dog gnawing mud inexplicably, Di Beiping was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

"Hurry up and help him up!"

Seeing that the people around him didn't respond, Di Beiping yelled at them, his face full of shame and indignation.

The two people behind Di Beiping walked up in an instant and helped Di Bowen who was lying on the ground.

"Ah-ah-I'm going to kill you, kill you!!!"

After Di Bowen realized it, he immediately became angry from embarrassment.

Regardless of whether others wanted to help him up, he struggled desperately, wanting to pounce on Di Yanmo.


However, it is not known whether Di Bowen struggled too hard, or the two people who supported him were not prepared for Di Bowen's struggle.

Di Bowen fell into the mud again from the hands of the two of them.

"Ah!!! I'm going to kill you, kill you, kill you all!!!"

Now, Di Bowen became even more annoyed.

He waved his hands desperately, but his legs were motionless, his madness was not lethal at all.

The two who wanted to help Di Bowen up again were caught off guard by Di Bowen's slap, and their faces turned dark immediately.

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