Looking closely into his deep eyes, she could clearly see her own reflection in his eyes, as well as sincerity and love...

Lin Qian Yi's heart trembled violently, her calm heart gradually began to beat rapidly, and a blush appeared on her fair and tender cheeks.

Perhaps influenced by Di Yanmo's sincerity, Lin Qian Yi nodded uncontrollably, and also gave her acceptance.

"Well, no matter what, I believe in you, and you must also believe in me. I will never do anything sorry to you, let alone hurt you."

Lin Qian Yi met his deep eyes and said sincerely.

After hearing Lin Qian Yi's words, a smile appeared in Di Yanmo's eyes, and then he was full of pampering.

"I believe, and I will always believe in my little wife."

Di Yanmo's thumb lightly stroked her fair and tender cheek, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said firmly.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi also smiled sincerely.

The two just stared at each other quietly like this forever, no one can intervene between them.

And Yan Yi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, felt the warm atmosphere behind him.

His body stiffened in an instant, his eyes stared straight ahead, and he didn't dare to move his eyeballs.

Last time, he just looked at his wife curiously, but he was swept over by his boss with a cold stare that could kill people.

So, this time, even if the earth was shaking and a flower bloomed behind him, he didn't dare to look back!

As soon as she got home, Lin Qian Yi received a text message from Di Yanfeng.

‘Dearest and dearest sister-in-law, let me tell you, little idiot, there will be a good show tomorrow, let you watch the latest news tomorrow. '

Seeing the content of the text message, Lin Qian Yi's eyes flashed with surprise.

Good show? Haven't you seen it just now? What else is there to play?

Suddenly, Lin Qian Yi seemed to have thought of something, and a clear smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It was past eight o'clock when I woke up the next day, and there was no one around me.

Lin Qianyi lay on the bed for a while before walking into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Lin Qian Yi went downstairs to eat the delicious breakfast that Uncle Chen had prepared for her.

While eating breakfast, Lin Qian Yi remembered the message from Di Yanfeng last night, so she took out her phone and checked the news while eating.

Looking at the latest news on her mobile phone, Lin Qian Yi's eyes slightly curved, obviously very happy.

Tsk tsk tsk, I have to say, this good show is really not ordinary, it is simply more than a little bit more exciting than yesterday.

Looking at the faces of those people last night, who were unwilling to apologize to her, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but feel sorry.

Su Xiaoqing really deserves to be her best friend, so ruthless! she likes!

Those photos were taken at very good angles, and the person apologizing to her was captured very clearly, but she only got a little figure, not her face.

The general manager of the dignified Xia family actually apologized to a young woman?

As soon as the news came out, there was a big commotion in the whole city A.

And the accompanying text is also very wonderful, it completely discredits the Xia family's character and praises Gao Lin Qianyi's personality.

In fact, it was just a write-up of what happened at the engagement banquet last night, with a little embellishment.

However, it was such a piece of news that caused Xia's stock to drop sharply, almost to the limit.

Originally, a Xia family news that was only associated with nobles would soon be forgotten.

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