My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 80 VS Fourth Master Kiss, Complete Victory!

However, he is happy to be eaten to death by his little wife.

Di Yanmo didn't speak, just hugged his little wife like this, forcibly suppressing the restlessness in his body.

A few minutes later, as if punishing him, Di Yanmo opened his mouth and bit the neck of his young wife, Bai Nen.


Although it didn't hurt, Lin Qian Yi deliberately gasped in order to get away from fourth master's mouth.

Even the face is full of drama, with a pitiful look.

Di Yanmo naturally knew his strength.

However, although he knew that his little wife was pretending to be pitiful on purpose, he still couldn't help flashing a look of pity in his eyes.

The sexy thin lips kissed the place where she just bit, as if this would make her pain go away.

Sensing the touch between her neck and neck, Lin Qian Yi subconsciously shrank her neck, and her little face suddenly became bitter again.

She won't add fuel to the fire this time, will she? !

"Yanmo...I'm hungry...I want to eat crayfish."

Lin Qian Yi was dying.

However, this time an unexpected response was received.


Diyan Mojun's face was still buried in her neck, and he responded softly.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up when she got the response, and a triumphant smile appeared on her face.

Aww! ! VS Fourth Master Kiss, complete victory! ! !

Lin Qian Yi, who had won the victory, excitedly gave her dear fourth master a big yum, "Yanmo, you're so kind, I'll peel a crayfish for you later."

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

Then he stretched out his hand and quickly pressed the partition in the car, and said to Yan Yi who was driving in front, "Yan Yi, your boss asked you to drive to the restaurant, there are crayfish to eat."

When he heard the sound of the partition falling, Yan Yi froze his body reflexively, and his face suddenly became full of bitterness.

He has just experienced a life and death, is he going to experience it again?

Can you let him go? He is just a young man, not yet old enough to see through the world!

However, after hearing his wife's obviously joyful words, Yan Yi's little heart, which was hanging high, finally fell to the ground in comfort.

"Yes, ma'am."

Seeing that his boss didn't object, Yan Yi responded immediately.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear his voice, which obviously carries the meaning of being extremely happy and relieved.

Because, he can finally escape from the clutches of his madam!

Yanyi made a decision. After sending his boss and his wife to the hotel, he immediately called back the special driver of the boss.

Then he slipped away! Never be a cannon fodder driver again! ! !

Soon, Yan Yi parked the car in front of a five-star hotel.

As soon as the car stopped, Lin Qian Yi quickly patted her fourth master who was still hugging her tightly, "It's here, Yan Mo, get out of the car."


Di Yanmo responded in a low voice, but he didn't move.

Seeing that his fourth master Qinqin was not moving, Lin Qian Yi immediately became vigilant again, lest Fourth Master Qinqin would prove his ability to create humans again.

Smelling the natural fragrance of his little wife, Di Yanmo finally suppressed the restlessness in his body, and took another deep breath before his handsome face left her tender neck.

Meeting the bright eyes of his little wife, Di Yanmo scratched her pretty nose angrily, "Very happy?"

"Yes, yes!"

Lin Qian Yi nodded subconsciously.

However, it felt wrong the next moment, so he quickly shook his head, "No, no."

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