My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 801: Replace the Emperor's Family and Become the Uncrowned King of City A!

Sun Gang frowned, but did not object.

For Sun Gang, as long as Lin Qian Yi didn't die, he could just turn a blind eye and close his eyes as long as his son wanted to play.

After Sun Zhenghao came back to his senses, he immediately nodded repeatedly, his eyes gleaming with extreme excitement.

Lin Qian Yi, who was treated as an object, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Sun Qianru with a frighteningly cold gaze.

However, Sun Qianru was not afraid of her gaze at all, because, in her opinion, today Lin Qian Yi could not escape no matter what!

She wanted to watch Lin Qian Yi die in pain, make her lose all her dignity, and be humiliated and played like a bitch!

"No! No! You can't, you bastards!!!"

Di Beiting roared, let go of Sun Qian, wanted to struggle to stand up, and desperately sought Sun Zhenghao.

However, just as he staggered to his feet, Sun Qianru kicked the wound on his right leg.


Di Beiting suddenly fell to the ground with a bang, his face was full of pain, and blood flowed from the wound he had just bandaged.

However, Di Beiting did not give up just yet.

Still enduring the severe pain in his leg, he struggled to get up and stared at Sun Zhenghao, like a ghost, trying to drag Sun Zhenghao into hell.

Lin Qian Yi was anxious, but her expression was terribly calm, as if she was an outsider.

Suddenly, Lin Qian Yi's mind flashed, and then, she looked at Sun Gang confidently, and said:

"You want to swallow the Emperor's family, but you want to strengthen the Sun family, right?"

Lin Qian Yi's calmness surprised Sun Gang, and at the same time gave Lin Qian Yi a high look.

"In City A, who doesn't want to swallow the emperor's family? Become the uncrowned king?"

Thinking of the feeling of being so high above and looking down on others, Sun Gang couldn't help showing an extremely greedy look.

That supreme power, let whoever wants to die, let him die happily, who doesn't want to have it?

This is what he wants to have even in his dreams, especially after the Sun family's status in City A is getting higher and higher.

It was the feeling of being superior and easily controlling the life and death of others that fascinated him.

So, he wants to climb higher!

If you want to stand at the top of city A, you must swallow the emperor's family and replace the emperor's family as the uncrowned king of city A!

Seeing Sun Gang's greed, Lin Qian Yi's eyes flashed a hint of ridicule.

"So, between the uncrowned king of city A and the uncrowned king of country A, which one do you choose?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at him with a half-smile, waiting for his reaction.

Sure enough, after hearing Lin Qian Yi's words, Sun Gang's expression froze, and his eyes fixed on Lin Qian Yi, "What do you mean?"

Lin Qian Yi was very satisfied with Sun Gang's reaction, "Do you know about YE Group?"

"Of course I know, the YE Group is an existence that even the president of a country dare not easily offend."

Sun Gang nodded without hesitation.

"So, do you know who the real power holder of the YE Group is?"

Lin Qian Yi threw out another bait.

Seeing Lin Qian Yi's confident appearance, Sun Gang suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Lin Qian Yi in disbelief.

"That's right, the person in charge of the YE Group is Yanmo."

Lin Qian Yi quickly gave the answer, which was exactly what Sun Gang guessed.

Now that the answer has been confirmed, Sun Gang's expression changed from stunned to ecstasy, and the greed in his eyes became more intense.

"The person in power of the YE Group is Di Yanmo? You didn't lie to me?"

Sun Gang stood up suddenly, looked at Lin Qian Yi excitedly, and eagerly reconfirmed.

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