Seeing the struggle in Sun Gang's eyes, Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I won't kill her."

Hearing this, Sun Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

Between YE Group and Sun Qianru, he would undoubtedly choose YE Group. Now, it would be great if he could keep Sun Qianru.

"What exactly do you want?"

Sun Gang frowned and stared at Lin Qian Yi displeasedly, apparently to tell her not to push her forward.

However, Lin Qian Yi didn't care, the initiative now was in her hands, if she didn't take the opportunity to fight back, would she still be Lin Qian Yi?

"It's very simple. You can treat her as she wants to treat me just now. This is very simple, right?"

Lin Qian Yi quietly said words that made Sun Qianru feel extremely cold in her heart.

Just now, Sun Qianru asked Sun Zhenghao to "rectify Lin Qianyi on the spot". Obviously, what Lin Qianyi said was undoubtedly asking Sun Zhenghao to "rectify Sun Qianru on the spot".

And, in front of everyone!

"No! No! Lin Qian Yi, you bitch! Bitch! I want you to die!!"

Lin Qian Yi's words drove Sun Qianru completely crazy.

Immediately, she didn't care and rushed towards Lin Qian Yi crazily, as if she wanted to die with Lin Qian Yi.

However, before he rushed to Lin Qian Yi, he was kicked to the ground by Sun Zhenghao.


Sun Qianru screamed, clutching her kicked chest, pain appeared in her eyes.

"This is the last condition. If you dare to play other tricks, I will let everyone here try you, Mrs. Emperor!"

Sun Zhenghao said viciously.

Immediately, she turned her head to look at Sun Qianru who was lying on the ground, with a look of greed appearing on her face.

A long time ago, he wanted to have a taste of Sun Qianru, but unfortunately, with his father protecting him, he could only restrain his thoughts.

Now, finally had an opportunity, how could he let it go so easily?

He believes that his father will not object, after all, that is the YE Group, an existence standing at the top of the world!

Sensing the strong gaze behind her, Sun Qian turned around and instantly met Sun Zhenghao's greedy gaze.

Looking at Sun Zhenghao who was walking towards her step by step, extreme panic appeared in Sun Qianru's eyes.

Sun Zhenghao has always harbored ill intentions towards her, and she knows this, and it is precisely because of this that she is even more afraid of Sun Zhenghao.

"No! No, no, no! Father, save me, save me, father, that bitch Lin Qian Yi wants to take revenge on me, she is simply lying to you, father is the daughter you have loved for more than ten years!!"

Sun Qianru was so frightened that she shouted to Sun Gang incoherently.

At the same time, she stared at Sun Zhenghao vigilantly, and kept moving back.

Glancing at Sun Qianru, a dark light flashed in Sun Gang's eyes, he clenched his fists, and finally looked away without saying anything.

Obviously, Sun Gang agreed with Sun Zhenghao's approach.

At the same time, he also expressed that, in his eyes, the YE Group is much more important than Sun Qianru, an adopted daughter.

Sure enough, in the face of interests, even father and daughter can become enemies, let alone adoptive father and daughter.

"You'd better be obedient, my good sister, otherwise, if I hurt you later, I will feel sorry for you."

Sun Zhenghao squatted down and grabbed Sun Qianru's leg, with an obscene smile on his face.

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