My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 809 She doesn't want to die before she grows old with Fourth Master!

"Smelly woman! Do you want to escape?!"

Seeing Sun Qianru's miserable state of being constantly bullied, Sun Zhenghao felt extremely happy in his heart.

However, turning her head inadvertently, she saw Lin Qian Yi slipping away cautiously.

Sun Zhenghao was furious immediately, took out his pistol, and was about to shoot Lin Qian Yi.

When Sun Zhenghao spoke out, Lin Qian Yi secretly thought it was not good, and immediately threw herself on the shoe cabinet in front of her.

With a quick roll, he immediately fell to the ground.

Lin Qian Yi's movements were extremely fast, and these movements were completed in an instant.

After Sun Zhenghao's bullet was fired, it only hit the ground.

After a gunshot, there were countless gunshots in an instant.

Dozens of people in special military uniforms appeared out of nowhere, shooting and killing the Sun family members mercilessly.

And the members of the Sun family were not weak either. After knowing that they had been tricked, they immediately reacted and fought back to avoid it.

However, the people of the Sun family had already lost the opportunity, so they were killed and injured in an instant.

The originally warm and elegant living room was instantly dilapidated.

Xu Shi heard gunshots, and there was a lot of movement outside the villa.

Lin Qian Yi knew that those who were coming were those who were guarded by Sun Gang outside.

Hearing the footsteps, there were at least a hundred people.

Lin Qian Yi, who was hiding behind the shoe cabinet, looked at the door not far behind her, frowning slightly.

If those people entered through the main entrance, then she would be dead.

Perhaps God heard Lin Qian Yi's heartache and saved Lin Qian Yi from a catastrophe.

Those people, unexpectedly, broke in from the living room door leading to the garden.

This made Lin Qian Yi heave a sigh of relief.

Feeling the ongoing battle in the living room, at this moment, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help but think that her fourth master wanted to make the living room so big for wool.

If it wasn't so big, the Sun family would have no place to hide, so they could shoot and kill it quickly.

Now it was obvious that the Sun family had the upper hand, and Lin Qian Yi hid behind the shoe cabinet, not daring to move.

She was afraid that if a bullet came, she would report to the Palace of the King of Hell.

She hasn't married her fourth master yet, hasn't honeymooned with her fourth master yet, and hasn't grown old with her fourth master yet.

She doesn't want to die!

After a while, Lin Qian Yi suddenly felt that there seemed to be another group of people approaching outside.

In Lin Qian Yi's mind, the cool appearance of her fourth master instantly appeared.

However, when he thought that his fourth master hadn't heard from him for so long, he suddenly became a little uncertain.

The gunshots gradually shifted from the living room, and became more intense, but there were still some gunshots in the living room.

Suddenly, a pistol was thrown not far in front of Lin Qian Yi somehow.

Lin Qian Yi's eyes flashed, and she wanted to pick up the gun in an instant.

However, there was someone who was one step ahead of her, and aimed at Lin Qian Yi with a pitch-black muzzle.

Lin Qian Yi's gaze moved upwards slowly, and when she saw those eyes full of madness, she felt bad in her heart.

In this world, lunatics are the most difficult to deal with, and at the same time, they are also the most desperate.

"Lin Qian Yi!"

Sun Qianru paused every word, gritted her teeth and called out Lin Qian Yi's name, with hatred in her tone, as if she wanted to bite Lin Qian Yi to death.

Lin Qian Yi slowly raised her hands, her bright eyes watched every movement of Sun Qianru vigilantly.

"What do you want?"

Lin Qian Yi kept scanning Sun Qianru, trying to find a breakthrough.

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