My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 811 The fourth master returns, the danger is lifted

I don't know if the strength of the figure is too great, or Sun Qianru is too light.

Like a doll, Sun Qianru was suddenly thrown out and landed in the huge swimming pool.

One second after Sun Qianru fell into the swimming pool, a strong explosion suddenly occurred in the huge swimming pool.

Countless water jets exploded in an instant, and at the same time, there was also a strong high temperature, which quickly spread to the surroundings.

After throwing Sun Qianru out, that figure immediately turned its back to the swimming pool, completely covering Lin Qian Yi's body.

When the bomb exploded and the powerful heat hit, Di Yanmo frowned, and his tall body shook for a moment.

Lin Qian Yi was very familiar with Di Yanmo, so the moment the figure appeared, Lin Qian Yi was very sure that it was her family's fourth master.

Lin Qian Yi's first reaction was not happiness, let alone excitement, but worry.

It is said that every couple in love is selfish, and Lin Qian Yi is no exception.

Because, she didn't want her fourth master to die, she wanted him to live.

However, to Di Yanmo, Lin Qian Yi was selfish, because without her world, he was just a soulless body.

Similarly, Di Yanmo also wanted Lin Qian Yi to live, but for Lin Qian Yi, it was the same.

The world without each other is gray.

Sensing the tall figure standing behind her, Lin Qian Yi became even more worried.

"Yanmo! How are you? Don't scare me, you must be fine, you must be fine."

Lin Qian Yi's voice was full of tears, and the panic on her face could not be concealed.

He anxiously turned his head to see the fourth master behind him, but it was extremely difficult, and he couldn't see whether he was injured or not.

"I'm fine, baby, don't cry."

Di Yanmo comforted Lin Qian Yi softly behind him, his cold voice was still mixed with a hint of pampering.

Di Yanmo's face was pale at this time, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he still stood upright, not letting himself fall down.

With a movement of his hand, Di Yanmo conjured a knife out of nowhere, and carefully cut off the cable tie that tied his little wife.

As soon as her hands were freed, Lin Qian Yi immediately turned around and quickly looked at her fourth master.

In the end, Lin Qian Yi couldn't hold back, and threw herself into the arms of her fourth master, holding him tightly, as if she would never let go.

"You're fine, you're still alive, you're still alive..."

Lin Qian Yi buried her little head in Fourth Master's arms, her voice full of tears and infinite joy.

It's really great, her fourth master is still alive, nothing, nothing, her fourth master is still there.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi was extremely grateful, grateful to God, for not taking away her fourth master.

I am grateful to Fourth Master for not leaving her forever, otherwise, she would really go crazy!

Sensing his little wife's trembling body, Di Yanmo's deep eyes were full of distress, and his big hand gently stroked her back, comforting the person in his arms.

"Hey, I'm fine. I said wait for me to come back, so I will never be fine, and I will never let you go."

The corners of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up slightly.

In fact, when Di Yanmo came, what he saw was the life and death of his little wife, and infinite fear instantly arose in his heart.

It's like wanting to destroy the world.

However, fortunately, fortunately, his little wife is fine, otherwise, he really can't guarantee whether he will destroy the whole world and come to bury his little wife with her!

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