My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 829 Even if she becomes a ghost, I can still make her die again!

Hearing what the middle-aged woman said, a scold came from the other end of the phone.

"What nonsense are you talking about! That bitch is already dead, I can make her die when she is alive, even if she turns into a ghost, and the ghost comes back, I can make her die again!"

The voice on the other side of the phone was extremely sharp and full of sinister meaning.

"You just keep your mouth shut and don't say any more nonsense to me, otherwise, I will let you leave country A and never come back!"

Hearing the threat on the phone, the middle-aged woman became even more panicked, and hurriedly said:

"No, no, cousin, I, I will definitely not talk nonsense, I will definitely not talk nonsense again, I am just not in a good mood recently, I just need to take a good rest."

The middle-aged woman is also a smart person, so she hastened to assure her on the phone.

The middle-aged woman's assurance made the person on the phone a little satisfied, but he still warned again:

"It's time for country A to re-elect the president again. Colin has put in a lot of effort this time. You all have to be honest and don't make any mistakes! Especially your son, let him be quiet!"

After the warning, without waiting for the middle-aged woman to respond, the other side hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone that was hung up, a flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged woman, and she blurted out angrily:

"What's the big deal, it's just a mistress who is in the top position, and he's showing off in front of me, hmph!"

Obviously, the middle-aged woman is respectful to the person on the other end of the phone, but in her heart she looks down on that person very much.


After the fourth day in the hospital, Di Yanmo was discharged.

Although Di Yanmo's injuries were still not healed, Di Yanmo proposed to go home to recuperate.

After Lin Qian Yi asked Ye Li carefully, and with Ye Li's repeated assurances, Lin Qian Yi allowed her fourth master to go home to recuperate.

However, the home they returned this time was not the previous home.

The previous home, after the shootout, the living room has become a hornet's nest, it's a mess.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi chose a new home.

This home is in the most prestigious area of ​​City A - Azure Villa.

Azure Villa covers an area of ​​tens of thousands, but there are only three villas there, and there are soldiers guarding it, it is simply an important Shibi military camp.

And the owners of these three villas are Di Yanmo, Di Yanfeng and Di Yanwei.

That is, the territory of the imperial family.

The reason why Di Yanmo didn't live here before is because Di Yanfeng's kung fu with dry tongue is really too good.

So, Di Yanmo directly changed to live in a clean place.

Now that he came back to live in Weilan Bieyuan, the happiest thing was Di Yanfeng, because he could gossip about his brother again.

I'm so happy, is there any!

After entering the huge villa, the car stopped after ten minutes. One can imagine how big this villa is.

As soon as Lin Qian Yi got out of the car and helped her fourth master get out of the car, she saw Di Yanfeng and Su Xiaoqing coming, followed by two buns.

"Dad is better than Mommy."

Finally seeing Papa and Mommy, the two buns rushed over immediately, wanting to pounce on them like before.

Lin Qian Yi quickly blocked her fourth master behind her, and let the two buns only hug her legs.


The two buns raised their heads in confusion, and looked at their mommy.

Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly, reached out and rubbed the heads of the two buns.

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