After a while, Di Yanmo put down his phone, closed his eyes again, and waited for his little wife to come out of the bathroom.

the other side.

"Damn it! The boss doesn't take you like this! I did it for your own good, how could you treat my loyal subordinate like this?!"

Ye Li, who had just come out of the hospital, immediately felt ominous when he received a message from his boss.

Sure enough, after seeing the content of the message, he wailed directly.

With that appearance, it can be as hard as it takes.

"I'm a human doctor, not an animal doctor! I don't want to go to the North Pole, I don't want to become a non-human!!!"

Ye Li looked up to the sky and howled, his sad appearance made the people around him think that something happened to him.

"The boss has a sister-in-law but no brothers. I want to find comfort."

With a bitter face, Ye Li quickly got into the car and went to find other brothers to comfort him.

As for the matter of the boss asking him to go to the North Pole, as long as his sister-in-law is there, the boss and the like are all floating clouds.

Thinking of this, Ye Li's face, which was full of bitterness just now, suddenly raised a look of joy.


"Mommy, where are we going?"

Let mommy help Di Moxin, who was wearing a small skirt, asked happily.

Lin Qian Yi helped Xiao Baozi put on the skirt, took a step back, and looked at Xiao Baozi like a little princess.

The smile on Lin Qian Yi's face became even brighter.

"We're going to my mom's friend's wedding today, there will be a lot of delicious and fun things there."

Lin Qian Yi smiled and said seductively.

Two days ago, Jia Huijing sent a wedding invitation to Lin Qian Yi, and said that she very much hoped that she could come to attend.

After all, for Jia Huijing, Lin Qian Yi was her benefactor, and it was Lin Qian Yi who gave her a chance for a new life.

Otherwise, she, Jia Huijing, would never have achieved the success and glory she has today.

The most important thing was that when Lin Qian Yi saved her mother, that was a great kindness.

Even if Lin Qian Yi wanted Jia Huijing's life, Jia Huijing would never hesitate to give her life to Lin Qian Yi.

Lin Qian Yi had a good impression of Jia Huijing.

Moreover, since the incident in the high-end shopping mall last time, she has regarded Jia Huijing as a friend.

When a friend gets married, Lin Qian Yi will naturally go.

"Oye Oye, I want cake, lots and lots of cake."

As soon as he heard that there was something to eat, Di Moxin's little bun became even happier, clapping his little hands and circling in situ.

"Mommy, I'm better than Dad."

At this time, one big and one small, all wearing suits, appeared at the door of Di Moxin's little bun.

One big and one small, it's almost like they were carved out of the same mold.

They all have a cool appearance, and they also have a pair of deep eyes that people can't see through.

Lin Qian Yi heard the sound and looked, almost blinded by the flash.

It's just too handsome and cool, isn't it!

Looking at Mummy who was being nympho to Dad again, Di Moshen shook his head like a grown-up.

Then, he walked over consciously and put on shoes for his sister.

As for Di Yanmo, he was very satisfied with the appearance of his little wife being infatuated with him.

Seeing his little wife fascinated by him was a very pleasant thing for him.

Di Yanmo walked over with graceful steps, stretched out his hand to hold his little wife's hand, and held it tightly.

"Let's go, the time is almost up."

Di Yanmo approached and whispered in her ear.

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