Hearing the voice, Lin Qian Yi turned around to look, and when she saw the person coming, a look of surprise flashed in her bright eyes.

"Yi, do you remember me?"

Seeing Lin Qian Yi looking at him in surprise, the man asked nervously.

And there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes, as if he cared about Lin Qian Yi very much.

Lin Qian Yi swallowed the cake in her mouth and nodded, "Remember, you are Yao Wenxi."

This Yao Wenxi was the owner of the car that hit her in the hospital parking lot more than a month ago.

To be precise, it has nothing to do with Yao Wenxi, the culprit is Zhang Xuezhen.

Hearing Lin Qian Yi accurately say his name, the smile on Yao Wenxi's face became brighter.

Looking at Lin Qian Yi's gaze was even more gentle and joyful.

"Unexpectedly, you still remember me."

Yao Wenxi said happily.

At this time, Yao Wenxi was dressed in a white suit, and he was obviously a prince charming when he was tall and slender.

Many women around him cast their eyes on him one after another.

However, Yao Wenxi didn't realize it, Lin Qian Yi was the only one in his eyes.

Seeing the excited look, Lin Qian Yi said with a smile, "Of course, it's only been over a month. My memory isn't that bad, is it?"

The most important thing is how Yao Wenxi made her feel at that time.

There are really very few such people in this era who are truly gentle and gentle as jade.

Moreover, when getting along with Yao Wenxi, Lin Qian Yi would feel very relaxed.

What surprised Lin Qian Yi the most was that she had a very strong affection for Yao Wenxi when she met for the first time.

It seemed that she and Yao Wenxi should be very familiar with each other.

It was as if in the dark, something was pulling her, making her unconsciously feel close to Yao Wenxi, and let go of her guard.

"Hehe, that's right."

Yao Wenxi looked slightly embarrassed, scratching the back of his head like a big boy.

"By the way, how's your leg?"

Yao Wenxi lowered his head, looked at Lin Qian Yi's legs and asked with concern.

Since he left in the hospital, he never saw Lin Qian Yi again.

Moreover, although he gave Lin Qian Yi his business card, Lin Qian Yi did not call him.

Although Yao Wenxi is as gentle as jade, there are really not many people who can really enter his heart.

And Lin Qian Yi was one of them.

When meeting Lin Qian Yi for the first time, Yao Wenxi couldn't help but want to get close to Lin Qian Yi, as if something was pulling her.

At first, he was still expecting that Lin Qian Yi would call him, but gradually Yao Wenxi was disappointed.

In order to meet Lin Qian Yi again, he went to the hospital from time to time to see if he could meet Lin Qian Yi again.

More than a month later, just when Yao Wenxi was extremely disappointed, Lin Qian Yi appeared in front of him again.

This made him very excited, and at the same time, his feeling of closeness to Lin Qian Yi became stronger.

Today, Lin Qian Yi was wearing a dark blue dress. She had no makeup on her handsome face.

"It's done, thank you for your concern."

Lin Qian Yi moved her legs and replied with a smile.

"I bumped into you, it should be." Yao Wenxi said.

Then he said, "You were in a hurry to leave last time, and you didn't have time to ask for your mobile phone number, can you give me your number?"

There was a trace of nervousness on Yao Wenxi's handsome face.

As if, afraid that Lin Qian Yi would reject him.

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