My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 854 You just need to let go and do it, everything is mine

Hearing this, Jia Huijing handed the box she had been holding to Lin Qian Yi.

"My mother gave it to you. Thank you for saving my mother's life. Also, thank you for everything you gave me."

Jia Huijing looked at Lin Qian Yi sincerely, her eyes were slightly red, and a mist appeared in her eyes.

Lin Qian Yi knew that if she didn't accept it, Jia Huijing would definitely not feel at ease.

"Help me and thank you, auntie."

Lin Qian Yi took it with a smile, "Also, I didn't give you everything, but you got it through hard work. I just gave you a chance."

Jia Huijing shook her head and said firmly:

"No, without you, there would be no me, so, if there is anything I can help in the future, I will definitely not refuse."

Even let me die.

Of course, Jia Huijing didn't say the latter sentence.

Seeing Jia Huijing's determined appearance, Lin Qian Yi didn't say anything more.

She knew that Jia Huijing had made up her mind, and no matter what she said, nothing would change.

"Well, go back, take a good rest, and wish you happiness forever."

Lin Qian Yi said to Jia Huijing and her husband who stood silently behind her.

Looking at the background of Lin Qian Yi and the others, Jia Huijing smiled gratefully, and the tears in her eyes finally fell.

"Yiyi, I'll be in city A recently, can I go find you?"

When they came to the parking place, Yao Wenxi finally couldn't help asking.

Facing Yao Wenxi's expectant eyes, Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly, subconsciously wanting to nod.

However, Di Yanmo took the lead.


Di Yanmo stared at Yao Wenxi coldly, and answered directly for his little wife.

Yao Wenxi's expression suddenly became lonely.

"Yan Mo was just joking, we are friends, so you can naturally come to meet me."

Lin Qian Yi pulled back her fourth master, and hurried to save her.


Yao Wenxi, who had just fallen into a depression, looked up instantly, looked at Lin Qian Yi in surprise and asked.


Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly.

"Then let's call, goodbye."

Yao Wenxi said happily, then turned and walked towards his car.


Seeing her fourth master's tightly pursed lips, Lin Qian Yi looked at her with a smile, and took his hand, shaking it.

"I really just see him as a brother, nothing else."

Lin Qian Yi promised.

Immediately, his eyes rolled and he exaggeratedly said, "My fourth master is so handsome and nice, how could I like others? Isn't it? Baozi."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi looked at her two buns and asked.

The two buns nodded resolutely, and replied in unison, "Yes, Mommy loves Dad Bi the most, and Dad loves Mommy the most."

Looking at his little wife's smiling face, a look of helplessness flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes, and he leaned over and kissed her hard on the lips.


Back home, after taking a shower.

Di Yanmo handed a document to his young wife.

Lin Qian Yi sat on the bed and stopped wiping her hair, and took it in doubt, "What is this?"

Di Yanmo sat down beside her, took the towel in her hand, and gently wiped her hair.

"Your background information was brought over by Yan Feng today."

Di Yanmo replied, a dark light flashed in his deep eyes.

"Whatever you want to do, I will support you. You just have to let go and do it. I have everything."

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi paused for opening the sealed bag, then nodded, "Yes, I know."

ps: Changes and changes, the latest update has temporarily changed to four chapters per day.

pps: Many readers asked when the ending will end, I can only say, it’s almost O(∩_∩)O~

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