"Don't worry about her, Lao Wang, keep driving, and hurry up."

Yue Kelin didn't even look at Zhu Lihua, and said ruthlessly.

Zhu Lihua's eyes widened, she looked at Yue Kelin in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe that he was so ruthless.

When she entered the Yue family, Yue Kelin still loved her in every possible way, but gradually it got worse and worse.

Even now, it doesn't matter whether she will be disfigured or not? !

At this moment, Zhu Lihua's heart turned cold, and the so-called love for Yue Kelin gradually turned into hatred.

Zhu Lihua stopped talking, trying to suppress the overwhelming hatred in her heart.

After a while, the car finally stopped.

The driver, Lao Wang, got out of the car quickly and went to the back seat to open the door.

After Yue Kelin got out of the car, what caught his eyes was a three-story villa covering an extremely large area.

One can tell at a glance how extraordinary the people living in the villa are.

Yue Kelin walked towards the gate of the villa on his own, but there was already a servant waiting there.

This satisfied Yue Kelin's so-called self-esteem.

In his opinion, this is the courtesy and respect of the owner of the villa.

However, what Yue Kelin didn't know was that it only reflected the educational attainment of the owner of the villa.

After seeing Yue Kelin enter the villa, Zhu Lihua still didn't get out of the car.


The driver, Old Wang, called out cautiously.

He was also afraid that Zhu Lihua would settle accounts with him after Qiuhou.

At this time, Zhu Lihua's chest heaved violently, her eyes were full of viciousness, as if she wanted to tear anyone who had offended her to pieces.

"Take me to a hospital!"

Zhu Lihua gritted her teeth and said a few words. The gloomy tone really looked like a ghost coming out of hell.

The driver, Old Wang, was kicked off again, but luckily he didn't drive this time.

"Yes, ma'am."

The driver Lao Wang responded, immediately closed the back seats, trotted back to the driver's seat, and drove away quickly.

And Yue Kelin, who entered the villa in the back, had no idea that his pillow wife had already hated him.

The current Yue Kelin is still continuing his dream of being successful.

However, I believe that Lin Qian Yi will soon shatter his dreams and everything about him!

After entering the villa, Yue Kelin knew that the information he found was indeed correct.

He and that woman's daughter are really married to the president of Dishi Group, who is as rich as a country, and exist in City A like an ancient emperor.

Moreover, even in the entire country A, it is our existence at the highest peak.

This great man is now his son-in-law!

Thinking of this, Yue Kelin became even more excited. He seemed to have foreseen the scene where he sat in that high position and made everyone look up to him.

Also, the money he couldn't spend.

It has to be said that Yue Kelin was simply dazed.

As the saying goes, money and power can make people lost, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The servant brought Yue Kelin into the huge living room, but there was no one there.

Seeing Uncle Chen coming out of the kitchen, the servant hurriedly said respectfully, "Housekeeper Chen, this guest is here to see Madam."

Uncle Chen came out with four cups of tea, glanced at Yue Kelin behind the servant, and nodded with a serious face.

"Come with me, madam is in the back garden."

After finishing speaking, Uncle Chen walked out directly from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, feeling as if he didn't take Yue Kelin seriously.

However, Uncle Chen did not take Yue Kelin seriously, because he knew who the person in front of him was.

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