My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 901 Yiyi was tired last night, I'll just hug her

"Baby girl, how can you let your son-in-law hold you down? You are so heavy, what if you hurt your son-in-law?"

Xia Yuwei said to her daughter in a reproachful manner.

However, everyone present could hear that there was no trace of blame in her tone, but a hint of affection.

"Mom, how can you say that about me? I'm your daughter. Is there anyone who can help you like this?"

Lin Qian Yi was hugged and sat down by her fourth master, and complained to her mother with an aggrieved expression.

Lin Qian Yi has a very good relationship with her mother, so she naturally knows the truth of her mother's words.

However, she and her mother were used to teasing each other, so they didn't think there was anything wrong.

It has to be said that Lin Qian Yi and Xia Yuwei's mother and daughter's way of getting along is really different.

"Tsk tsk, with such a good son-in-law, of course I will help the son-in-law and not help you. Besides, don't think I don't know, you often bully the son-in-law. If you don't cherish such a good husband, be careful that my wife beats you."

Saying that, Xia Yuwei raised her fist and swung it at her daughter a few times.

Although she knew that she couldn't beat her daughter, she knew that her daughter would give in to her every time.

Sure enough, Lin Qian Yi raised her hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Sure enough, a married daughter is water that is thrown out, and my mother is really unreliable."

Lin Qian Yi said sadly.

Immediately, she looked pitifully at her fourth master, seeking comfort from Humo.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of his little wife, Di Yanmo raised his big hand and rubbed her head lightly.

Coaxed softly, "Good boy, and me, I will love you."

"Mommy, Mommy, my brother and I will love Mommy too."

Di Moxin Xiao Baozi, who had just swallowed a small soup dumpling, also raised his small hand and said reassuringly.

Di Moshen's big bun didn't speak, but nodded in agreement.

"You're so good. My fourth master and the two buns are the best."

Lin Qian Yi's pitiful expression instantly became brilliant, and she smiled and praised Fourth Master and the two buns.

Looking at her daughter with a stinky face, the corners of Xia Yuwei's mouth twitched slightly.

For so many years, she has always known that her daughter's shame is thicker than the city wall.


Seeing that Xia Yuwei was about to speak, Di Yanmo suddenly greeted Xia Yuwei, and then said, "It's okay, Yiyi was tired last night, I'll just hug her."

Di Yanmo's words were casual, but to Xia Yuwei and Jiang Haicheng's ears, it had another meaning.

The two looked at each other silently, and both saw the teasing look in each other's eyes.

And Xia Yuwei even forgot about her daughter's ugly appearance, and kept looking at her daughter and son-in-law with ambiguous eyes.

Seeing her mother's X-ray-like eyes, Lin Qian Yi immediately got goosebumps.

She didn't need to think about it all, and now her mother's mind is full of thoughts!

Lin Qian Yi glared at her fourth master first, and then said to her mother in disgust:

"I said, Mom, can you stop looking at me with such a wretched and mean look, others don't know, they think you are in love with me and want to have a lily with me."

Suddenly, Lin Qian Yi covered her chest with her hands and stared at her mother warily.

"Mom, although I am your daughter and have listened to you since I was a child, I just regard you as my mother. You can't fall in love with me.

If you fall in love with me, what will Uncle Jiang do? "

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