My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 909 Come here, I promise not to kill you [7]

At the same time, he also clearly felt that there was a super powerful cold attacking him from behind him.

Di Yanfeng turned his head mechanically, and when he saw his brother's ghastly face, he jumped up instantly.

"Mom! Sister-in-law help me!!!"

Di Yanfeng jumped up nimbly, and immediately hid behind the sofa where Lin Qian Yi was sitting, his face full of fear.

Di Yanfeng's reaction successfully pleased Lin Qian Yi.

"Pfft hahaha——"

Lin Qian Yi laughed and fell down on the sofa, almost crying.

The idiot Di Yanfeng must have been sent by the monkey to make a joke, otherwise how could he be so idiot.

Di Yanmo walked into the hall step by step, his handsome face was full of chills.

"Don't, don't, brother, don't come here, or...or I'll run away!"

Di Yanfeng hid behind the sofa and threatened tremblingly.

Hearing Di Yanfeng's words, the chill on Di Yanmo's body became heavier, and his forehead twitched faintly.

Obviously, Di Yanmo endured a lot of hard work for this bastard brother.

"Come here, I promise not to kill you."

Di Yanmo gritted his teeth.

"No, you will be maimed."

Di Yanfeng refused without thinking.

Immediately, without fear of death, he made a gesture that he thought was very handsome, and said narcissistically:

"I'm so handsome, it would be a pity if my arms and legs were broken, dear brother, it would be shameful to ruin a handsome youth, you know."

After finishing speaking, Di Yanfeng looked at his brother accusingly.

At this time, Di Yanmo pursed his thin lips tightly, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's so dangerous, it's possible to maim Di Yanfeng, a young man, at any time, is there any reason!

Lin Qian Yi, who collapsed on the sofa with a smile, suddenly laughed even harder, and almost lost her breath.

Lin Qian Yi had to admit that Di Yanfeng, a bastard, was using his life to make fun of her.

Didn't you see her family's fourth master, who was about to kill someone?

Is Di Yanfeng the real second, or did he deliberately want to see her fourth master's expression other than being cold?

"Sister-in-law, if you smile again, your face will only have teeth."

Di Yanfeng said quietly.

However, if you look carefully, you will see that Di Yanfeng's eyes are shining with mischievous light.

Being able to provoke a second expression on my brother's face is simply too challenging and a sense of accomplishment, isn't it!

"Pfft haha—it's better than you being shameless."

Lin Qian Yi smiled and retorted.

Looking at his little wife who kept laughing, a helpless smile curled up on the corner of Di Yanmo's mouth.

He walked over, hugged her in his arms, and gently stroked her back to prevent her from laughing out loud.

Seeing how tender his brother was to his sister-in-law, Di Yanfeng, who had been hiding far away from the moment his brother moved, couldn't help shaking his body, he had goose bumps all over his body, is there any reason for that!

However, soon, Di Yanfeng looked at his own brother sadly.

Is it really my brother? If it's really my brother, why throw him to the North Pole every now and then?

And sister-in-law, no matter how she jumps up and down, her brother still loves her, and even follows her ass to draw her tail.

The more he thought about it, the more Di Yanfeng felt that he was definitely not his brother's brother!

Gradually, Di Yanfeng's sad eyes became more and more intense, but the person stared at by the sad eyes was not even a bird to him.

Looking at the brother who has a wife and forgets his brother.

Di Yanfeng's mood fell instantly, and dragging his half-dead body, he threw himself onto the soft sofa to lift his corpse.

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