My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 91 Pampering her, only kissing fourth master tenderly to her

"You, you, you dare!"

Hearing Song Le's threat, Di Yanfeng instantly felt weaker.

"Look if I dare!"

Song Le looked triumphant, and hummed.

"You, you, you shameless bastard! Hmph!"

Thinking of the tragic history of being hacked last time, Di Yanfeng was scared, cursed aggrievedly, and sat back on the sofa angrily.

The victorious Song Le smiled even more happily, as proud as he could be, making Di Yanfeng wish to kick him over and let him go to heaven!

Seeing the two getting along, Lin Qian Yi's eyes flashed with surprise, and then she calmed down.

Regarding his little wife's sudden departure, Di Yanmo frowned, stretched out his hand and hugged his little wife back into his arms.

The softness in his arms softened Di Yanmo's cold face instantly.

On the opposite side, Song Le and the others, who had been secretly observing the two of them, had obviously noticed the change in their boss, so they became even more curious about Lin Qian Yi.

What kind of woman is it that can make their incomparably powerful BOSS-sama admire her, and even care so much about her.

After some introductions, several people chatted about some ordinary things.

From this, Lin Qian Yi knew their identities.

Although Song Le is young, he is a computer expert that few people know.

Ding Yang is in charge of the safety of her family's fourth master and the bodyguard of the Emperor's Group. He only obeys orders to kiss her fourth master.

Qi Shengyu, the president of the Qi Group after the Emperor Group.

If Di Yanmo is an invisible emperor, then Qi Shengyu is undoubtedly the only prince, an existence that people look up to in City A.

Yan Jinghan said that she was the person in charge of the secret forces of her family's fourth master, and the word 'secret', needless to say, she knew what it meant.

After all, the fourth master of her family is not a simple person, and naturally there are things that need to be handled secretly without leaving a trace.

What shocked Lin Qian Yi the most was that they were not so much friends of her fourth master, but his subordinates and brothers!

Because she could see that they were respectful and loyal to fourth master, and fourth master did not regard them as subordinates.

Therefore, this is undoubtedly when they are the most trusted brothers.

Although Lin Qian Yi was shocked by the invisible power of her fourth master, she was soon relieved.

Because, in her heart, Di Yanmo was just Di Yanmo, who doted on her and only kissed her tenderly to fourth master.

When Lin Qian Yi got to know them, they also got to know Lin Qian Yi.

They were shocked by Lin Qian Yi's 'ordinary'.

It never occurred to them that the person their BOSS fell in love with was just such an ordinary woman.

However, after getting along for a short time, they had a good impression of this 'ordinary' sister-in-law, and at the same time recognized her.

"By the way, sister-in-law, did you accept the female number three in the Legend of Burning Heaven filmed by Wan Xuanmin?"

Di Yanfeng looked at his own sister-in-law and asked.


Lin Qian Yi was not surprised that Di Yanfeng knew the role she was taking.

Because, the fourth master of her family has already handed over her affairs to Di Yanfeng. Generally speaking, Di Yanfeng, the uncle, is her manager.

There is no one who can let the president of Emperor's Entertainment act as her manager.

"Legend of Brahma?"

Qi Shengyu raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Di Yanfeng with some uncertainty.

"That's right, it's the TV series that your sister is about to act in. She is the number one female lead, and sister-in-law is the third female lead."

Di Yanfeng saw his uncertainty, nodded and said.

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