My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 917 Violence, violence, simply too violent [15]

"What? Are you forcing me to recognize a stranger as my father?"

Lin Qian Yi sneered, "Is this what you mean, or what your father meant?"

"Everyone has the same meaning. You just need to obediently recognize my father. How can there be so much nonsense!"

Yue Zhifeng became more and more impatient.

Now he just wants to go to a place with many beauties and have fun, but he doesn't have the heart to hang out with Lin Qianyi.

In his opinion, as long as Lin Qian Yi is threatened, he doesn't believe that his father's high position as secretary can't hold down a little woman!

The reason why Yue Zhifeng recognized Lin Qian Yi was because of the photo he saw in Secretary Yue.

However, he didn't know what kind of identity Lin Qian Yi had now.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have run to Lin Qian Yi and said such foolish things in public.

"It seems that this is your father's intention. He can't recognize a daughter, so he sent your son to threaten me now, right?

Your father thinks of this 'daughter' in every possible way, probably because I can bring him benefits, right? If I was just an ordinary person, would he still come to recognize me? "

Every word Lin Qian Yi said put the father and son of the Yue family into crisis. Once what happened here was spread out.

The father and son of the Yue family really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash themselves away.

However, this was Lin Qian Yi's purpose.

Since Yue's family sent her up to slap her in the face, wouldn't it appear that she disrespected them too much if she didn't?

Just now when Yue Zhifeng was eating here, he was already drinking. After being contradicted and beaten, Yue Zhifeng became even more furious.

"I won't talk nonsense with you, in a word, do you recognize it or not?!"

Yue Zhifeng shook off the support of the two men, glared at Lin Qian Yi and asked threateningly.

"I said, show the evidence, show the evidence that I am his biological daughter."

Lin Qian Yi looked indifferent, "As for the DNA you mentioned, you have already said it. Your father is a secretary, and it would be easy for him to forge a DNA, isn't it?"

After hearing Lin Qian Yi's words, the people around nodded in agreement.

"Hmph! I don't care if you are your own, just hit me until she thinks it will!"

Yue Zhifeng completely lost his patience, coupled with the effect of alcohol, now he completely lost his mind.

He didn't care at all how much trouble he would bring to the Yue family today.

Hearing Yue Zhifeng's words, the two men immediately walked towards Lin Qian Yi with sullen faces.

"Smelly woman, don't eat a toast and take fine wine, today we will teach you how to be a man on behalf of Feng Shao!"

With that said, the two men raised their fists, and waved them at Lin Qian Yi without mercy.

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled into a sneer, and she grasped with her left hand, firmly grasping the fist that the man on the left was throwing.

At the same time, he kicked his right leg fiercely towards the place under the belly of the man on the right.

That ruthlessness was no worse than when Diyan kicked slightly just now.

After kicking one, Lin Qian Yi retracted her foot and kicked it out again, equally viciously towards the man on the left.

"Aw - ow -"

Two screams and howls sounded, reaching everyone's ears, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

Violence, violence, simply too violent, there is wood!

Those men, again subconsciously, covered some part of themselves, looked at Lin Qian Yi, and swallowed hard.

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