After a while, Kang Zixuan asked curiously, "Mom, when will you propose to dad?"

"Huh? What?"

Watching it too engrossed, Di Yanwei didn't realize what his son would say.

Kang Zixuan pointed to his father behind his mother, and said again:

"The fourth aunt proposed to the fourth uncle. Mom, when will you propose to my father? At that time, will I have to be like my younger siblings and talk about being together?"

Kang Zixuan asked seriously.

However, Di Yanwei seemed to be struck by lightning, that's called a scorched outside and tender inside!

Di Yanwei didn't need to look back to know that the head of her family was looking at her with burning eyes.

The son really is which pot does not open and which pot to lift!

Let her propose to the cold head of her family? Are you sure it will work? In other words, after she succeeds, can she still get out of bed?

Either way, it's not what she wants, so she should just pretend she didn't hear it.

"Ahem, it's too noisy here, son, what are you talking about? I didn't hear you."

Di Yanwei pretended to be stupid to his son.

Immediately, before his son opened his mouth, he hurriedly said, "Well, look at how serious your fourth aunt is, we have to look at it seriously, you know?"

Di Yan raised his son with awe-inspiring face.

Big Baozi Kang Zixuan looked at his mother strangely, and when he met his mother Chi Guoguo's threatening gaze, he obediently shut up.

And Kang Junyan, who had been silent all this time, raised a small arc at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the back of his wife's head with hawk-like eyes.

Di Yanwei was stared at by his head, that was frightening!

At the same time, I kept praying in my heart that my sister-in-law's marriage proposal should be longer.

After such a long time, the head of the family should forget about the marriage proposal, right?

Di Yan thought bitterly, his body remained motionless, and he didn't dare to look back, for fear that he would be resisted if he looked at it.

However, being thrown down and drained...

Imagining his incomparably sour scene, Di Yanwei's body almost stiffened into a stone.

He noticed that Kang Junyan, who was like his wife, had a deeper curve in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flickered.

It seems to be thinking, how to start eating later.


The scene returned to Lin Qian Yi's side.

Looking at his little wife who proposed to him, Di Yanmo's deep eyes were terribly hot.

Then his eyes moved and landed on the ring.

The ring is wide and flat, with a delicate little angel carved on it, and a small heart-shaped ruby ​​is set in the heart of the little angel.

Obviously, this interpretation represents angels.

Seeing that fourth master was only staring at the ring without speaking, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help feeling anxious.

This is a marriage proposal that I carefully prepared, my fourth master won't destroy it, right?

After a long time, under Lin Qian Yi's anxious eyes, Di Yanmo finally nodded slowly, "Yes."

At this moment, Di Yanmo's eyes were terribly bright, as if he was about to burn someone.

Hearing that her fourth master agreed, Lin Qian Yi couldn't wait, and put the ring on his left and right ring fingers.

Seeing her slender fingers being put on a ring of her own design, Lin Qian Yi had a bright smile on her face.

Di Yanmo pulled his little wife up, then picked her up and put her on the chair he was sitting on just now.

"and yours?"

Di Yanmo asked.

Lin Qian Yi was stunned for a moment, then reacted, took out another small red box from her pocket, and handed it to him.

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