My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 925 What about the agreed 'fight'? ! 【twenty three】

"My angel, can a devil do bad things?"

The corners of Di Yanmo's mouth suddenly twitched with evil charm, and he asked with burning eyes.

Lin Qian Yi blinked her eyes, a little unresponsive, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, what are you doing?"

Before Lin Qian Yi could react, Di Yanmo picked her up and walked into the villa.

"Do something bad."

Di Yanmo answered naturally.

Lin Qian Yi still looked confused, wasn't she still in a tender atmosphere just now?

Why did he suddenly switch to doing bad things?

"What bad thing?"

Lin Qian Yi asked unpreparedly.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes, leaned close to Fourth Master's ear and said in a low voice, "Could it be to fight? Or to abuse scum?"

A dark light flashed in Di Yanmo's eyes, "Well, fight."

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly.

"Okay, okay, let's go to fight. I haven't been active for a long time. I can just have a good activity tonight, otherwise I will be rusty."

Di Yanmo opened the door, carried him into the room, and closed the door.

"Don't worry, I will never make you feel unfamiliar."

As soon as Di Yanmo's words fell, before Lin Qian Yi could react, he threw him down.

In the huge room, there was only a dim lamp on the bedside, illuminating the scene on the bed.

The wonderful movement gradually sounded, accompanied by a few furious roars.

The two little buns standing outside the door looked at each other with a look of bewilderment on their little faces.

"Brother, what's wrong with Mommy?"

Hearing the roar of Mummy in the room, Di Moxin blinked his big eyes and asked his brother curiously.

And Di Moshen Da Baozi, who was being asked, also had a confused expression on his face.

"I don't know, but Daddy has made Mommy angry again."

Di Moshen answered uncertainly.

Di Moxin's little bun frowned, "But, wasn't Mommy very happy just now?"


Di Mo nodded deeply.

As a result, the two became even more confused.

Since Dad is happier than Mommy, why is Mommy angry again now?

"Brother, should we go in and help Daddy? Let Mommy not be angry with Daddy?"

Di Mo looked at his brother anxiously.

Di Moshen frowned, as if he had encountered an extremely difficult problem and was thinking about it.

At this moment, Uncle Chen came up.

"Little master, little lady, why are you here? Where are the madam and the young master?"

Uncle Chen walked over and asked.

However, just as he finished asking, Lin Qian Yi's furious roar came from the next room again.

"Di Yanmo, you lied to me again! What about a fight?!"

Hearing Lin Qian Yi's lion's roar, the three people standing outside the room shrank their necks in unison.

The two buns looked up at Uncle Chen, as if they were asking, what's wrong with Mommy?

And Uncle Chen, who has lived half his life, naturally knows what the young master and madam in the room are doing.

Hearing that voice, Uncle Chen couldn't help but blush.

Facing the pure eyes of the two buns, he couldn't help coughing dryly, "It's okay, madam and young master, this is an exchange of feelings."

Uncle Chen had already explained (fooled) the word exchange of feelings to the two buns, so the two buns naturally knew what it meant.

After hearing Uncle Chen's words, the two buns suddenly realized what they were saying and nodded their heads.

"Little master, little miss, you just had some snacks, you haven't eaten yet."

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