My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 933 Mother and Daughter Join Forces, Scumbag [31]

Lin Qian Yi didn't answer immediately, Yue Kelin was good at acting, and her acting skills were no worse than his.

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi's face was complicated, she looked at the people around her, and then at Yue Kelin.

It seemed as if he suddenly recognized his relatives, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Looking at Lin Qian Yi's expression, Jiang Mingchen and the others, who knew the truth, gave her thirty-two praises for her acting skills in their hearts.

It's simply cheating people's lives without paying for their lives, no matter what!

"It's okay, even if you can't call me father for a while, I won't mind, after all, we just met as father and daughter."

Yue Kelin skipped the question of mutual recognition, and directly confirmed the relationship between the two of them as father and daughter.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Well, I believe it. You are indeed my biological father. I thought you were the same as those people, so I spoke to you like that. I..."

Lin Qian Yi lowered her head slightly, clasped her hands together, and said nervously and apologetically.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yue Kelin.

"It's okay, you should be cautious, after all, you are the Emperor's wife now."

Yue Kelin waved his hand, and said with a kindly smile.

Then he said, "However, whether you are the Emperor's wife or not, you are my daughter and will always be."

Lin Qian Yi nodded and said nothing.

As if feeling that it was almost done, Yue Kelin pushed the bulging document bag on the tea table towards Xia Yuwei.

"Ms. Xia, I know this is presumptuous, but this is my wish, please accept it."

Yue Kelin looked at Xia Yuwei and said.

Xia Yuwei frowned, "I told you, I really regard Yiyi as my daughter, and I won't take your money."

If Xia Yuwei took Yue Kelin's money, it meant that she was greedy for money, and that money was more important than her daughter.

"Ms. Xia, I really don't mean anything else, I just want to express my gratitude, thank you for raising my daughter.

Moreover, you have been educated so well, I really thank you from the bottom of my heart, I don’t know what else to do besides thank you, so this money represents my heart. "

Yue Kelin spoke righteously, as if he really thought that what he said on the surface was just a simple intention.

However, his real purpose was to imply that he did not seek the benefit of the Emperor's family by recognizing her as a daughter.

Rather, he really just wanted to recognize his daughter back.

Of course, Yue Kelin hoped that Xia Yuwei would not accept it, so that he could save 100,000 yuan.

Moreover, he also achieved his real purpose.

Xia Yuwei frowned even deeper, she was about to refuse again, but her daughter stopped her.

"Mom, since he is so sincere, you can accept it. After all, this is a wish of more than 20 years. If it weren't for you, mom, I would really be an orphan."

Lin Qian Yi looked at her mother with a smile and said.

At the same time, from an angle that Yue Kelin couldn't see, he winked at his mother.

Xia Yuwei instantly understood the look in her daughter's eyes, and the expression on her face changed accordingly.

"Well, since it's Secretary Yue's wish for more than 20 years, then I'll accept it. However, if I spend the money, I won't feel good, so I plan to donate it to the orphanage."

Xia Yuwei breathed out and said, "Secretary Yue, you won't object, will you?"

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