My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 936 Has Yue Kelin been whitewashed? 【34】

Yue Kelin didn't respond to the previous questions, but the latter questions made Yue Kelin's eyes flash with a hint of predation.

However, he didn't have a seizure.

What happened last time has not subsided.

Moreover, someone from above has also spoken to him. If something happens again, he must be temporarily suspended for investigation.

Now is a critical moment for running for the presidency, how can he be suspended? That is undoubtedly a missed presidency in vain.

Therefore, now Yue Kelin is being very cautious, not daring to make any more mistakes.

Yue Kelin adjusted his mood, and slowly raised his hands, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. As I said, I will tell you the result after I come out. I know that you are very concerned about my affairs, and thank you for your understanding."

Yue Kelin spoke slowly, his tone full of sincerity.

At this time, Yue Kelin really had a trace of a secretary of a country, but it was only a trace.

The reporters didn't ask any more questions, but waited for Yue Kelin's next words.

"We have already met as father and daughter."

Yue Kelin said with a smile, "However, the incident was too sudden, and Qian Yi couldn't accept me as my father for a while, so I won't force her to call me father.

I owe her too much, no matter whether she can accept me as a father in the end, I respect her.

In the same way, no matter what happens, as long as my daughter needs me, I will try my best to help her, stand by her side, and support her. "

Yue Kelin's words can be said to be sincere and touching.

After a while, Yue Kelin said seriously, "What happened to my son last time was indeed my fault. I didn't take good care of him and let him hurt Qian Yi.

However, my son is also eager for my father, so he hastily said those wrong words. Here, I apologize to all of you. "

As he said that, Yue Kelin slightly bent down to the camera, "I'm really sorry, the dog has caused so much trouble for everyone."

"Although I apologized to Qian Yi just now, but here, I still want to say sorry to Qian Yi again.

But Qian Yi, don't worry, my father will never let this kind of thing happen again. "

Yue Kelin looked at the camera and said apologetically.

At the same time, he also admitted that the video was real.

However, his words, invisibly, turned himself into a reckless father who put all the blame on Yue Zhifeng.

Although Yue Kelin admitted his mistake, few people really blamed him, because Yue Kelin didn't ask Yue Zhifeng to do it.

And it was Yue Zhifeng's own initiative.

Sure enough, after hearing Yue Kelin's words, the reporters present saw a slight change in the way they looked at Yue Kelin.

In this way, Yue Kelin used these reporters to wash away his stains.

At the same time, through these reporters, let the whole country A know that his Yue Kelin has a son-in-law who is invincibly rich!

As soon as this news came out, Yue Kelin believed that his road to running for the presidency would be smoother.

The interviews with Yue Kelin just now were broadcast live directly, so everyone in the Jiang family villa saw the interview with Yue Kelin.

"Tsk tsk, I thought that the person who used money to push him up was just a mediocre person. Now it seems that this Yue Kelin really has a few tricks."

Jiang Mingchen lay on the sofa, watching the live TV broadcast and mockingly said.

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