My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 938 Together together, promise him, promise him [36]

"Dad, you are almost fifty years old. If you don't marry Aunt Xia, Aunt Xia is so beautiful. Be careful to be abducted by others. It's useless for you to cry then."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mingchen didn't forget to ask Xia Yuwei, "Aunt Xia, right?"

After Jiang Mingchen asked such a question, Xia Yuwei felt a little embarrassed immediately, and she didn't know where to look.

She never thought that after more than 20 years, she would meet again a relationship like first love.

At first she was terrified, but slowly, her closed heart was gradually opened, but after opening, she was afraid again.

I was also afraid that the relationship this time would repeat the tragedy and pain of more than two decades.

Until recently, Xia Yuwei finally thought about it.

There is not much time in life, if you are afraid of everything, is it still life?

Therefore, she really opened her heart and accepted Jiang Haicheng.

However, now she was asked to confess to Jiang Haicheng in front of other people, which really made her a little at a loss.

Seeing their mother's embarrassed expression, Lin Qian Yi and Jiang Mingchen quickly winked at Jiang Haicheng.

It means: Hurry up, this is the best opportunity, if you miss it this time, it will be difficult to get another chance next time.

After receiving the hint from the two, Jiang Haicheng quickly took a deep breath, and took out the ring that he had been preparing for a long time in his pocket.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Haicheng stood up suddenly and knelt down on one knee in front of Xia Yuwei.

As for Xia Yuwei, when she saw Jiang Haicheng suddenly kneel down on one knee towards her, she was startled for an instant, and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

However, Lin Qian Yi, who reacted quickly, held her down.

Xia Yuwei stared anxiously at her daughter, as if saying 'You traitor'.

As for Lin Qian Yi, she was nestling in fourth master's arms, watching the play with a smile on her face.

And Jiang Mingchen's second lack was even more exaggerated. He got a camera from somewhere and started shooting videos.

Lin Qian Yi gave Jiang Mingchen a thumbs up in her heart, this Er Que finally did one thing right.

Jiang Haicheng knelt down on one knee, opened the small box in his hand, and looked at Xia Yuwei with an affectionate and serious expression.

"Xiaowei, I love you, I know you have been hurt before, so I cherish you even more and want to heal all your wounds.

But, I want to give you happiness more, eternal happiness, others say forever and ever.

But I think our future will be even longer, and we will be happy for a long time. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Haicheng met Xia Yuwei's eyes with tenderness.

"Xiao Wei, I love you, marry me, believe me, I will make you happy forever, and my happiness will always be in your hands."

"Be together, promise him, promise him."

Hearing his father's affectionate confession, Jiang Mingchen immediately gave an assist.

Dad's second half of his life is settled, then he can rest assured to pursue his spring.

Jiang Mingchen thought slyly.

Hearing his son's assist, Jiang Haicheng glanced at him appreciatively for the first time.

That's great, his second son finally stopped causing damage.

"Uh, I, I..."

Jiang Haicheng's affectionate confession almost made Xia Yuwei cry with joy, but she suppressed the tears.

However, my heart was so flustered that I couldn't even speak.

"Mom, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, come on, take a deep breath, don't be nervous, Uncle Jiang is your mother, he won't run away."

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