My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 940 Choosing a day is not as good as today, let’s get married today [38]

Jiang Haicheng is used to yelling at Er Que's son, but Jiang Haicheng would never dare to yell at his future wife.

If he ran away, he would really have to cry.

"Hee hee, Aunt Xia is better."

Jiang Mingchen said with a smile.

"The proposal is successful, so it's time to get married?"

Lin Qian Yi said suddenly.

"Choosing a day is not as good as today, just get married today."

Jiang Mingchen followed Lin Qian Yi's words.

However, he was pure mischief.

"Stinky boy, don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't make trouble?!"

Jiang Haicheng yelled at Jiang Mingchen, the second son, directly.

However, Jiang Mingchen was not afraid of him at all. With Aunt Xia's support, his father was just a paper tiger.

Jiang Mingchen thought happily.

"Tsk tsk, Dad, don't think I don't know, you have already quietly prepared things for marriage."

Jiang Mingchen looked at his father with contempt, and blatantly revealed his old background.

"The ring, the blue enchantress that Aunt Xia likes, the wedding venue, and even the bridal shop have all been chosen. Don't tell me, you don't want to abduct Aunt Xia home early?"

Being exposed by his son on the spot, Jiang Haicheng blushed, so angry that he directly picked up the chicken feather sweeper on the side and swiped it at Jiang Mingchen.

Jiang Mingchen was obviously on guard, and when Jiang Haicheng was sweeping with chicken feathers, he had already slipped away in advance.

Therefore, in the huge hall, there was a scene of an exasperated father chasing his son with a chicken feather sweeper.

"Aww! Dad doesn't take you like this. I'm telling the truth. How can you treat me like this to your son."

"Dad, I'm doing this for your own good. Aunt Xia will definitely be more moved when she knows that you are so anxious to marry her."

"Dad, you are almost fifty years old, be careful to slip until your butt blooms. By then, you will not be able to marry Aunt Xia if you want to."

While running, Jiang Mingchen kept saying things that stimulated Jiang Haicheng.

"Stinky boy, don't run if you have the guts to see if I break your leg and let you peek at my diary again! Brat, if you don't smoke for a day, your skin will itch. I think you owe it to smoking!"

Jiang Haicheng shouted angrily while chasing him.

That voice is simply not too loud.

Looking at the two father and son who were chasing, Lin Qian Yi, mother and daughter both laughed.

It is said that father and son were enemies in previous lives, which is indeed true.

As a result of the final chase, Xia Yuwei and Jiang Haicheng's wedding was decided to be held next month.

Jiang Haicheng has basically prepared everything for the wedding.

Therefore, the two only need to register and take a happy wedding photo.

After making a happy decision, Lin Qian Yi and Fourth Master went to Di's Group, and Jiang Mingchen didn't know where he went.

The huge Jiang family was left to Xia Yuwei and the two to continue cultivating their relationship.

After going to the Emperor's Group, Lin Qian Yi unexpectedly received a courier.

Almost everyone Lin Qian Yi knew was in City A, so Lin Qian Yi was very puzzled about the courier sent to her.

Di Yanmo had someone check the courier, and after confirming that there was no problem, Lin Qian Yi opened the courier.

The courier is a file bag with only one photo inside.

The photo was a group photo of Yao Wenxi and Yao Wenxuan, and on the wall behind where they were standing, there was a portrait of Yao Wenxi painted by Lin Qianyi.

Lin Qian Yi discovered that there were words on the back of the photo, and there were only two very simple words.

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