My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 951 The dead scum father does not pay for his life [49]

Because she knew that even if she asked, Yue Kelin would have countless reasons to explain.

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi was not in a good mood, Yue Kelin didn't explain anything, but instead talked about what happened just now.

"Qian Yi, I'm sorry, just now your aunt, she was just too emotional, I hope you don't blame her."

Lin Qian Yi's expression remained unchanged, and she said indifferently, "Don't worry, I didn't blame her. Didn't you also say that she is doing it for your own good and caring about you, so why should I blame her?"

Lin Qian Yi's goal was to keep them dog-eat-dog, not to solve it all at once.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi naturally 'forgive' Zhu Lihua for her rashness just now.

Hearing this, Yue Kelin was overjoyed, thinking that Lin Qian Yi already had father-daughter feelings for him, and she forgave Zhu Lihua for him.

Thinking of this, the kindness on Yue Kelin's face became more and more obvious.

"Qian Yi, you are so sensible and well-behaved. I am blessed to have a daughter like you after thirty cultivation years."

Yue Kelin said with emotion on his face.

However, Lin Qian Yi sneered in her heart.

Did he mean that if she didn't forgive Zhu Lihua, she would be rebellious and vicious?

However, Lin Qian Yi didn't say anything, and continued to act with Yue Kelin.

"This villa is the Lin family back then, right? The home where my grandfather and mother have always lived."

Lin Qian Yi looked around, and suddenly said something like this.

Yue Kelin was a little confused by Lin Qian Yi's words, but he still nodded.

"Yes, this is the Lin family. Until they left, they all lived in the Lin family."

Lin Qian Yi smiled slightly and looked at Yue Kelin.

"Since it's the home of grandpa and mother, can you give me this villa? Otherwise, you don't live here, and if it's empty, it's empty."

Before Yue Kelin could reply, Lin Qian Yi said again, "The Lin family has so many assets, this villa is not bad, right? What do you think?"

With that said, Lin Qian Yi looked at Yue Kelin with a smile, waiting for his answer.

Lin Qian Yi asked for a villa, and it was worth tens of millions of villas, which made Yue Kelin's face change.

Originally, he was thinking of selling the place after a while, and get tens of millions first, so that he can manage it first when the time comes.

However, he never expected that Lin Qian Yi would ask him for this villa.

Yue Kelin couldn't help regretting, why did he propose to let Lin Qian Yi come here? !

At this moment, Yue Kelin was so regretful that his intestines were green.

However, no matter how regretful he is and how reluctant he is, he still wants to give this villa away.

Because of Lin Qian Yi's words, and even more because of Lin Qian Yi's current status.

Lin Qian Yi's surname was Lin. According to the will, all the property of the Lin family should belong to Lin Qian Yi.

Back then, it was only because there was no one in the Lin family that those properties fell into the hands of his visiting son-in-law.

Now that Lin Qian Yi, the Lin family, appeared, according to the law, all the assets of the Lin family should be returned to Lin Qian Yi.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Yue Kelin to spit out the treasury in his hands.

In order to prevent Lin Qian Yi from going to investigate, he had to give this villa to Lin Qian Yi to dissuade her from wanting to investigate the Lin family's assets.

At the same time, if Yue Kelin gave this villa to Lin Qian Yi, then he would make Lin Qian Yi owe him a favor.

So, no matter what, he had to give the villa to Lin Qian Yi.

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