My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 238

The results that can be detected are much weaker.

Gao Yang nodded and said, "That's okay!"

To be honest, compared with those scientific instruments, Gao Yang still thinks magic tools are more reliable.

The sky has just darkened now, and the preparations for Teller's side have not yet been completed.

So it is estimated that there is still about an hour before the time of action.

Because of the ghost nest in front, there is more Yin Qi surrounding it.

And it is different from those ordinary yin qi.

Because these yin qi are emitted because of the ghosts in the ghost nest.

So these yin qi will be more aggressive.

Being in this surrounding, the speed of Yin Qi loss will also be accelerated.

After almost half an hour of activities around the target location, those Secret Service personnel will be withdrawn and replaced by new personnel.


While waiting outside, Fadu and Qi Bairong unexpectedly discovered that Fang Tiancheng and Daoist Yuxu were both holding

holding a thermos cup, taking a sip from time to time with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

The two couldn't help but glanced forward curiously.

It was found that there were a bunch of goji berries soaked in the thermos cups of the two of them.

Forget about Daoist Yuxu, he looks like he is in his fifties, it's normal to make up for this age.

But Fang Tiancheng seems to be a little strange to drink this when he is only in his thirties.

Therefore, after looking back from the vacuum flask, Fadu couldn't help but stepped forward and asked quietly, "Did you take advantage of my absence recently?"

Are you going to the Meteor club every day?"

Fang Tiancheng looked behind Fadu's eyes and said softly: "Serious people, don't talk nonsense."

Fadu curled his lips and said, "Are you a decent person? A serious person would take me, a naive and ignorant monk, to find a tender model


After saying a few words, Fadu was still a little thirsty, and then he snatched the thermos from Fang Tiancheng who was completely unprepared

Then took a sip.

However, just under this mouthful, Fadu's eyes popped out quickly, and he couldn't help but let out a "fog grass" in his heart.

Afterwards, looking at Fang Tiancheng, who was nagging, and looking at the thermos in his hand, Fadu came to his senses.

Afterwards, under Fang Tiancheng's abuse, Fadu not only drank the wolfberry water in the cup, but even

The goji berries inside were taken out one by one and eaten.

3.4 Qi Bairong was at a loss for a while when he was jumping like crazy.

I don't know what happened to the two of them.

After arguing for a while, Fang Tiancheng returned to Taoist Yuxu cursing, and touched Yuxu

After the Taoist, Fang Tiancheng asked in a low voice: "By the way, did you calculate the situation of this operation in the car before?"

After sleeping in the hotel with Fang Tiancheng for so many days, the relationship between the two has also rapidly heated up. For Fang Tiancheng

Taoist Yuxu didn't hide anything and said slowly: "No, it's just pure cultivation.

"Then you're not worried about problems?"

Hearing Fang Tiancheng's question, Taoist Yuxu let out a "chi" laugh, then glanced contemptuously, and pointed over there to play.

Gao Yang playing mobile games.

Suddenly, Fang Tiancheng understood what Taoist Yuxu meant.

Follow the boss closely, don't panic...


Chapter 181: Everyone Will Dig a Pit to Invite People to Jump

Soon, as night fell, it was around eight o'clock.

Even though it was a thousand meters away from the village in front of the city, Gao Yang and the others could clearly feel the yin energy around them

Gradually the crazy increase.

It was also when the power in Gao Yang's mobile phone was only about 20% left, in Gao Yang's perception, that

The Yin Qi around the village in the city was suddenly isolated.

And Jiang Yongning and Chen Qi also went back and forth to gather the people around them.

Jiang Yongning first handed everyone a thing that looked like a pocket watch.

According to what Jiang Yongning said, the pocket watch is equipped with positioning.

Within a range of one kilometer, you can check the movements of other people around you through your pocket watch.

Moreover, the pocket watch is surrounded by charms, so that Yin Qi cannot penetrate into the machine, and it can also be touched by pressing the pocket watch.

The upper button sends a signal.

After quickly explaining the functions of this pocket watch, Chen Qi took a map and shone it on the forehead of the light next to it.

and put it down on the table in front of the crowd.

twenty one

"The area of ​​this urban village is not large, and it is probably only equivalent to the scope of an ordinary university, and our most important thing today is

The goal is to find a way to eliminate the fourth and fifth level ghosts.

But you must pay attention, once you find a sixth-level ghost, you must notify it as soon as possible.

Join hands. "

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