My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 515

When did I become so attractive to someone?

In the small group at home, there are several daughters-in-law fighting for it all night long.

Now it turns a blind eye to me.

Who do you look down on?

Under this feeling of being left out, Gao Yang suddenly had the idea of ​​rushing into the classroom to talk to that fourth-level ghost.

However, just when Gao Yang turned around, Gao Yang felt that the surrounding space was suddenly enveloped by a cloud of Yin Qi.

In an instant, in Gao Yang's sight, the scene in front of him had already shaken slightly, obviously he had entered the ghost space.

"Ding, a ghost has been detected, and the target's rating is: Level 6 Corpse Blood Nightmare (being transformed)."

At the same time, a system notification sounded in Gao Yang's mind.

However, when Gao Yang's eyes were on the words "being transformed" behind the system prompt, he paused slightly, with some doubts in his heart.

Apparently, this is the first time Gao Yang has encountered such an additional reminder message from the system.

Seeing that a ghost finally attacked him, Gao Yangguang resisted the urge to find an explanation in his heart.

Then suppress the doubts in my heart and continue walking at a leisurely pace.

Anyway, in this ghost space, the other party must have arranged the way for him.

Soon, in Gao Yang's line of sight, there was a woman's figure under a big tree in front of him.

Under the lights of a nearby classroom, it could be seen that the woman was wearing a student's uniform.

Seeing this, after slightly raising his eyebrows, Gao Yang raised his feet and walked slowly towards the female student.

Also at the same time as Gao Yang approached slowly, the female student under the tree raised her head slowly as if she felt something.

(b fdb) The next moment, a face with a bit of charm and the pure feeling of a student was imprinted in Gao Yang's eyes.

However, what attracted the most attention was the pair of scarlet eyes on this face.

The moment his line of sight touched this pair of eyes, Gao Yang's mind was already invaded by energy like ice.

Under this wave of energy, Gao Yang subconsciously felt that his eyelids were slightly heavy, and he wanted to close his eyes and squint for a while.

But just as Gao Yang closed his eyes, before the cold energy in Gao Yang's brain invaded Gao Yang's head or the true essence and cells of Gao Yang's body absorbed this energy.

The "Yang Commander" on Gao Yang's heart trembled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the icy energy in Gao Yang's brain seemed to be controlled by something and disappeared directly from Gao Yang's brain, but ran all the way to the heart and was absorbed by the "Yang Commander Card".

Afterwards, after the "Yang Commander" vibrated again, a faint message also surfaced in Gao Yang's mind.

The content of this stream of information is not much, it roughly tells the purpose of this stream of energy invading Gao Yang's brain just now.

But he wanted to give himself a subconscious psychological influence, making Gao Yang think that he is still a third-year student in high school.

And at this moment, Sneak and the girl she had admired for a long time in the class sneaked out to relax during the holiday, and the two of them drank a lot of wine, going back to the school to find the classroom and do something shameful and shy.


Combining the situation at this moment and the situation in his mind before, how could Gao Yang still not understand that this so-called Corpse Blood Nightmare has the same ability to manipulate dreams as Gao Gaoyang.

This time, Gao Yang was really interested.

Not to mention, this female ghost's ability to manipulate dreams at this moment is obviously much stronger than Gao Yang's.

At least when Gao Yang was manipulating other people's dreams before, it was absolutely impossible to arrange so many templates with sight lines and then influence them.

It can only roughly affect the ghosts or living people who are pulled into the dream by themselves.

Under the interest, Gao Yang did not rush to tear his face directly, but pretended that his eyes were slightly clouded.

And the level 6 female ghost on the opposite side obviously didn't have the slightest doubt about Gao Yang's state at the moment.

When he got closer, this level 6 female ghost looked up and down Gao Yang's body and then put it on Gao Yang's face.

When she noticed Gao Yang's handsome appearance, the eyes of this level 6 female ghost lit up.

"Oh, I didn't expect such a handsome little brother to come this time. Don't worry, for the sake of your handsomeness, I will let you die comfortably later."

Hearing what the student said pretending to be a female ghost and seeing the hunger and thirst on the female ghost's face at this moment, Gao Yang couldn't help taking a breath.

"Hey, are all the current students so open?"_

Chapter 372 Hate, you are so bad!

In Jinhua City for more than a year, because of the part-time job in the past, I have traveled to more than half of Jinhua City in Gaoyang.

As for the costumes of each school, Gao Yang naturally saw some of them more or less from time to time.

So looking at the style of the school uniform on the female ghost, Gao Yang can be sure that it is the style of the school uniform in the past two years.

Coupled with the winter school uniform on this female ghost and the fact that she has been tossing around recently, it is enough to prove that this female ghost should not have been dead for a long time.

In other words, this female ghost in student attire wouldn't be too big even with the time spent as a ghost.

But now, this appearance is simply more skillful than that of a woman who solicits customers in a man's street.

Without waiting for Gao Yang to think about it, this female ghost of level 6 has already entered the classroom slowly holding Gao Yang by one hand.

When he entered the classroom and sat on the podium, this sixth-grade student pretending to be a female ghost had already put his arms around Gao Yang's shoulders.

The winking eyes were almost on Gao Yang's face, and his breathing became a little short at this moment.

After getting closer, the sixth-level female ghost's voice became more lingering: "Bad guy, what are you waiting for?"

Hearing the words of this sixth-level female ghost, although Gao Yang's eyes were still dimmed, he said with some hesitation on his face: "Isn't it good for us to do this?"

The sixth-level female ghost picked Gao Yang's chin and said, "Oh? What's wrong? If you are embarrassed to do it first, then I will come first. Anyway, the lonely man and widow are in the same room, and now I can do everything. ?”

Hearing what the female ghost said, Gao Yang pondered for a moment and then carefully asked: "I can do anything? Then can I make some special requests? Some things I saw in books before."

At this moment, in such an environment, with such words, the female ghost couldn't help but lower her head and take a look.

Immediately, the sixth-level female ghost showed embarrassment and said in a reproachful tone, "I hate you, you are so bad!"

Gao Yang stared blankly and said with a smile: "Then can you do it?"

The sixth-level female ghost looked at Gao Yang charmingly and said, "For the sake of being so handsome, I can do anything."

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