My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 595

But when he looked around the room and noticed the women in the living room, Gao Yang's new daughter-in-law paused for a long time before walking up to Gao Yang, bent slightly, and stretched out her hands with a smile. : "Hello, I'm Qin Yaqin, your new wife."

And when Qin Yaqin was bending over, because of this movement, the scenery inside the neckline was perfectly displayed in front of Gao Yang, making Gao Yang unable to bear being dazzled for a while.

Fortunately, Gao Yang at this moment is no longer Wuxia Ameng, and after a few months of baptism and tempering by several women, his heart has been strengthened a lot.

··· ···Ask for flowers····

Moments later, the eyes were clear again.

He stood up and raised his hand to shake Qin Yaqin's hand.

"Hello, Gao Yang, I will be your man from now on."

While speaking, the corner of Gao Yang's mouth twitched.

It was obviously the first time we met, but the self-introduction was like this, which made people feel weird.

But to put it bluntly, for some reason, Gao Yang always felt the smile on Qin Yaqin's face in front of him.

how to say!

It always gives people a feeling of professional fake smiles that are not sincere.

And I don't know if it's his own illusion, Gao Yang always feels a kind of indifference and alienation in the other party's eyes.

After a simple greeting, Qin Yaqin already let go of her hand, and then looked away at Liu Zhaoyun who was sitting on the sofa at the moment and stretched out her hand and said: "Hello! I am Qin Yaqin, and we will be a family from now on, please Take care, if there is something wrong, please correct me in time, I will try my best to correct it."

Compared with what Gao Yang said before, Qin Yaqin said a lot more to Liu Zhaoyun at this moment.

And the smile on his face is obviously more sincere at this moment.

This scene intensified the strange feeling in Gao Yang's heart.

Not only that, Gao Yang later discovered that Qin Yaqin was as formal as Liu Zhaoyun when dealing with the other women, and she didn't feel any trouble at all during the process.

Even during this process, Gao Yang discovered that when Qin Yaqin held a few female hands, her gaze was different from that of shaking hands with him all the time, as if she was completely reluctant to let go.

And every time he let go of his hand, the other party's face obviously had a faint look of disappointment.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Gao Yang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

At the same time, a strange idea suddenly appeared in my heart.

Especially when combined with the difference in Qin Yaqin's attitude towards herself and the other women, this strange idea became more and more obvious.

"Could it be that my new daughter-in-law is a lily lover?"

ps: The new daughter-in-law is not a pure lily but will be straightened by the protagonist, please rest assured! Ask for monthly tickets and subscription support! _

Chapter 440 It's a perfect match for me!

The reason why some men feel that Lily Control is not good is because they feel that there are more men than women in the world, and the existence of Lily Control is a complete waste of resources.

After all, those who dare to be a lily will definitely have good conditions.

That's why many men hate Lily Control.

But Gao Yang didn't think so.

Everything has two sides.

Just like now, because it is controlled by Baihe, Gao Yang doesn't need to worry that this new wife will be greedy for her body every day like the other women.

Moreover, as a lily lover, when you are with a woman, things will be more interesting to play together.

Just like Gao Yang at this moment, at the moment when he knew that the new daughter-in-law turned out to be "Lily", Gao Yang couldn't help but have some pictures in his mind.

That is when Liu Zhaoyun or Zhao Wan'er and Qin Yaqin met with themselves during the "May 70", during the process, the scene of Qin Yaqin and Zhao Wan'er, who are Baihe control, rubbing each other's ears.

Hiss, this is stimulating and sour.

Just thinking about it, Gao Yang felt his blood boil a bit.

Thieves feeling ah!

All of a sudden, when looking at Qin Yaqin, Gao Yang's eyes were a little bright.

Not only is it not pestering, but it can also add some sentimentality to the life of husband and wife.

At this moment, Gao Yang realized that a lily control like Qin Yaqin is a perfect match for him!

In an instant, Gao Yang looked at Qin Yaqin with softer eyes.

No matter how you look at it, you are satisfied.

It can be seen that Qin Yaqin is obviously not low in EQ and IQ.

After greeting and chatting with the girls, Qin Yaqin recognized that the most harmless among the girls belonged to Chu Qianyi.

So, at this moment, Qin Yaqin is sitting beside Chu Qianyi.

At this time, as if thinking of something, Gao Yang looked at Qin Yaqin who was secretly mopping Chu Qianyi's hand under the guise of palmistry, Gao Yang asked a question.

"By the way, logically speaking, shouldn't you be coming to the door yesterday? Why didn't you arrive last night?"

Hearing this, Qin Yaqin said, "Oh! I was delayed by something last night, so I didn't come."

Although Qin Yaqin recovered quickly, Gao Yang keenly noticed Qin Yaqin's gaze dodging at this moment.

Seeing this, Gao Yang frowned slightly.

And Liu Zhaoyun on the side also said at the moment: "Qianyi, Yaqin just came to the door, you take her to pick a bedroom up there, and tell her the things that need to be paid attention to at home by the way!"

Hearing what Liu Zhaoyun said, Chu Qianyi bent her eyes into crescents and said, "Yeah!"

After responding, Chu Qianyi turned her head to Qin Yaqin and said softly, "I'll take you to choose your bedroom!"

Looking at the gentle expression on Chu Qianyi's face at the moment and listening to the gentle words in his ears, Qin Yaqin's heart seemed to be melted by the gentleness that came to her face.

His whole body was crispy.

The voice also softened and said: "Okay, I will listen to you."

After the two of them walked upstairs slowly, a cloud of yin suddenly spread from Liu Zhaoyun's side.

It was also at the moment when the yin energy enveloped Gao Yang and the others, Zhao Wan'er said, "Interesting, I didn't expect that Gao Yang, the new daughter-in-law, would actually like a woman instead of a man. What do you think?"

Liu Zhaoyun smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to see it too! Tsk tsk, Lily control, it's interesting."

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