My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 617

Under this massage, Gao Yang's spirit was fully safe.

However, just when Gao Yang had just uttered these words, he froze for a moment.

the reason is simple.

The voice just now obviously did not belong to Chu Qianyi or Wei Qingyu.

Then, turning his head quickly, Gao Yang was stunned when he looked at Qin Yaqin who was sitting next to him.

What are you doing? Why did this Lily control give herself a massage for no reason?

Under such doubts, Gao Yang looked at Qin Yaqin calmly and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Qin Yaqin pushed up her glasses and said, "It's nothing, but I checked the massage technique on the Internet last night, and then asked you to try it out, how do you feel?"

"Not bad!"

Gao Yang replied in a daze.


Then, Qin Yaqin smiled and said, "Fourth Sister has already made the breakfast! I'll go and serve the breakfast now!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yaqin smiled softly at Gao Yang and then went to the kitchen.

Seeing Qin Yaqin leave, and thinking of Qin Yaqin's gentle look just now, Gao Yang felt weird.

If the other girls were replaced, even Liu Zhaoyun and Gao Yang wouldn't think there was any problem.

But the key point is that Qin Yaqin is such a lily controler who is so attentive to her now!

If you want to say that Qin Yaqin is so attentive to the other women, it is completely justified!

But when the object is placed on him, there is obviously a problem.

"Could it be that you want to take the opportunity to create a false impression by being nice to me, and then take the opportunity to win the favor of other women?"

. . . . 0

After thinking for a while, Gao Yang could only come to this conclusion.

However, this thought didn't last long, and Gao Yang began to be confused again.

Next, it was just breakfast, but Gao Yang always felt that Qin Yaqin gave him a little different feeling from the first day when he came to the house.

Such actions as taking the opportunity to swipe your fingers lightly on your hand when helping yourself to serve your meal, smiling at yourself when you push your glasses, and so on.

It made Gao Yang unexpected every time.

Not to mention, knowing Qin Yaqin's identity as Baihekong, facing Qin Yaqin's small actions is really hard for people to resist.

Even Gao Yang is the same.

It's just that although Gao Yang felt a sense of joy in these small movements of Qin Yaqin.

But my heart couldn't stop being curious again.

After all, if it's just to create an illusion, Qin Yaqin's little tricks are too much.

"Is it possible that I guessed wrong before, this new daughter-in-law is not Baihekong? It's just that she didn't know me well at the beginning, so she seemed relatively indifferent?"

At this moment, Gao Yang couldn't help doubting his previous guess.

Under this kind of doubt, Gao Yang glanced at Qin Yaqin next to him, raised his eyebrows, and decided to try the water.

ps: Khan! In special times, there are a lot of things that need to be busy now, so the author can only say to try to keep seven updates! I hope everyone understands! Continue to ask for monthly tickets and subscription support! _

Chapter 460 Just put yourself in it in such a muddle?

In this kind of thought, Gao Yang who pondered for a while didn't show any thoughts at first.

It's just that after asking Qin Yaqin to serve him another meal, Gao Yang's hand touched Qin Yaqin's hand when he took the bowl.

But during the movements, Qin Yaqin didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Seeing this, Gao Yang felt that this action might be too common.

After all, it's not ancient times, why is it swollen to touch your hand?

So, after thinking for a while, Gao Yang didn't continue to move while eating.

Several girls are there, so it's not easy for me to use any big moves to test it.

After all, the daughters-in-law in the family, except for little Lolita, are as shrewd as foxes.

And after eating, Gao Yang said: "If the Yin Yuan Pill is not specially preserved, the effect of the medicine will disappear "five-five-three" if it is too long, so you should not keep the medicine for too long."

Hearing what Gao Yang said, the girls all nodded their heads.

And Qin Yaqin went back to her room upstairs after the meal and swallowed the Yin Yuan Pill directly as Gao Yang said.

An hour later, with the end of the practice, Qin Yaqin just walked out of the room.

It's just that when Qin Yaqin just opened the door, she saw Gao Yang standing outside.

Seeing this, Qin Yaqin was slightly taken aback and asked, "What's the matter?"

Gao Yang responded with a smile: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you how you feel after taking Yinyuan Pill?"

Hearing this, Qin Yaqin thought for a few seconds and then explained her feelings.

Although it is said that as a sixth-grade elixir, the ranks of the other women are too high.

Unless it is a higher level or a pill that has been strengthened by its own system points, otherwise, the effect of just one or two pills will not be so strong.

Only Qin Yaqin is only level seven.

If you want to understand the effect, Qin Yaqin's understanding can be more intuitive.

Just according to what Qin Yaqin said, although the effect of this elixir is good, it does increase the Yin Qi in the body and convert it into Yin Qi, but the amount of conversion is very small.

When a Yin Yuan Pill came down, it only reduced the Yin Qi in Qin Yaqin's body by one percent.

Moreover, there is still a little energy in this Yin Yuan Pill that makes Qin Yaqin uncomfortable.

According to Qin Yaqin's description, Gao Yang reckoned that the energy Qin Yaqin mentioned might be the erysipelas contained in the elixir.

Although Yin Yuan Pill is a sixth-grade panacea, the erysipelas in it also exists.

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