My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 624

Now that he killed the head teacher of Yuhuomen, Liang Zi has already formed a knot.

That being the case, the identity of the enemy has been confirmed anyway, so why talk so much!

Is it possible to keep it and wait for these guys to find opportunities to make trouble for themselves in the future?

After a while, Zhang Wenlun said in a deep voice, "Okay, I've agreed to the matter!"

Hearing what Zhang Wenlun said, the monks from the other Heavenly Master's Mansion and other forces opened their mouths, but they all fell silent in the end.

You know, Yuhuomen was attacked by a ghost king-level ghost a few months ago, and all the disciples in the gate were killed or injured.

Now there are no more than a dozen people in the entire Yuhuomen.

Getting rid of Yuhuomen is not much more difficult than killing the remnants of the Maoshan faction.

After all the monks agreed, Gao Yang said with a smile: "Well, I will wait for your news in three days, but I hope you don't engage in some small tricks, or if I find out, don't blame me Turn your face and be merciless!"

Zhang Wenlun nodded and said, "Mr. Gao can rest assured about this."

Seeing this, Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders and gave a soft "hmm" before continuing to speak.

It is not difficult to know the situation of the remaining disciples of Yuhuomen and Maoshan School.

A few days later, Gao Yang will calculate the situation, and the situation will be roughly calculated!

Even if Longhushan and other forces want to play the trick of secretly hiding Chen Cang, they can't do it.

Seeing that the situation had reached the best expected result, Yan Rou and Jiang Yongning also relaxed.

After a few simple sentences, the monks who had taken the initiative to lead all the forces in the room left.

It's just that when they were leaving, these monks and even Zhang Wenlun and the head teacher of Tianshi Mansion took a deep look at Gao Yang.

After only Gao Yang, Yan Rou, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu were left in the room, Yan Rou hesitated for a moment before she said: "Mr. Gao, is your behavior today a little too reckless?

Although the matter of the Maoshan faction is over for the time being, your actions are equivalent to offending most of the people in the practice world..."

Gao Yang glanced at Yan Rou and said, "Do you think I care about offending them?"

Yan Rou gave a wry smile, if Gao Yang cared, he wouldn't act and speak so unscrupulously as before.

"Otherwise, what do you think today will be like? Do you talk things over in an amicable manner and then turn the page around as if nothing happened?"

Yan Rou's words froze.

Obviously, even if you think about it with your butt, you can think of what Gao Yang said is impossible.

If these monks were really so easy to talk to, they wouldn't need to give Jiang Yongning and Yan Rou such a headache.

In Yan Rou's silence, Gao Yang said calmly: "For your secret service, many places need to rely on the practice world, but I am different.

I don't ask them for help, and I don't want anything from them. Do you think I might condescend to them?

So, my way of dealing with this matter is very simple, either be honest and obedient, or find a way to make them obedient and obedient. "

After all, strength is the most important thing in this world. As long as the strength is enough, all means are nothing but jokes.

Unfortunately, the current Gao Yang has such strength and confidence that he doesn't need to consider anyone's face at all.

So, things like today actually came to Gao Yang's mind when he was about to attack the Maoshan faction.

And Gao Yang also wanted to use this 1.8 incident to let people in the practice world know that there is someone they can't afford to mess with in Jinhua City.

Otherwise, why did Gao Yang bother with so many things?

Just stay in your own home and continue to develop.

Hearing what Gao Yang said, Yan Rou didn't know where to start.

On the contrary, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu gave Gao Yang a thumbs up.

As expected of a boss, he really is domineering.

After withdrawing his gaze from Yan Rou's side, Gao Yang glanced at Lu Lihuo's body on the ground.

After raising his eyebrows, Gao Yang snapped his fingers.

In an instant, under the gust of wind mixed with flames, Lu Lihuo's corpse on the ground quickly turned into powder and dissipated. .

However, when Lu Lihuo's ashes were picked up by Gao Yang, Gao Yang suddenly let out a small gasp. _

Chapter 466 Don't follow the rules at all!

After Lu Lihuo's body was destroyed by Gao Yang's "Wind and Fire Order", there was a purple-blue ring with a faint gleam at the place where the body was originally.

You know, with Gao Yang's current strength, even if it is a spell like "Wind Fire Token", after it is used, ordinary low-level magic tools can't resist it.

This is also the reason why Gao Yang didn't even see a low-level magic weapon after cremating the enemy's corpse and raising the ashes.

However, Gao Yang didn't care much about those low-level instruments.

And this ring was able to withstand his own spells, which made Gao Yang a little bit interested.

Immediately, the eyebrows were slightly raised, followed by Gao Yang's right hand.

Under the control of Zhenyuan, the purple-blue ring on the ground was directly sucked into his hand by Gao Yang.

When the system detected that this ring turned out to be a second-grade magic weapon, Gao Yang secretly said "Sure enough".

However, the person killed himself, so Gao Yang naturally accepted the spoils of war without hesitation.

Going to check out what's in here when I get home.

15 "By the way, what happened to the elixir you got?"

After putting away the ring, Gao Yang asked smoothly.

Fang Tiancheng said: "The elixir that the boss needs should arrive tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, after thinking for a while, Tiancheng said, "However, if you want the elixir, sir, it should be more convenient to find the Secret Service here.

As far as I know, the Secret Service has even started to cultivate elixir and develop some special medicines.

After all, if we are looking for them, it will be very troublesome just to deliver them. "

Listening to the conversation between Fang Tiancheng and Gao Yang, Yan Rou asked curiously, "Does Mr. Gao need any elixir?"

Hearing this, Gao Yang looked at Yan Rou.

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