My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 644

"Little friend, come in a bowl, pick up your ears, (Li Wanghao) cut the arteries and veins, it's so cute that you don't move."


Listening to Gao Yang humming, both Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu grinned fiercely.

If it was during the day or at ordinary times, the humming sound would probably not be heard a few meters away.

But at this moment, in this quiet environment so quiet that even people can hear his own heartbeat, Gao Yang's humming sound spread farther and farther.

Until it clearly spread to every corner of the office building on this floor.

Under the voices of impurities, at this moment, a small figure hiding in the corner curled up tightly.

Listening to the sound coming into the ears, this small voice could not help but tremble slightly.

Poor, weak and helpless.

Ps: Three months of uninterrupted updates, and no ghostwriting, the sincerity of the author is guaranteed! Ask for monthly tickets and subscription support! I feel like I've gained too much weight recently! _

Chapter four hundred and eighty third big bullying small live forever

The sound of footsteps echoed around continuously, and this level eight kid could clearly feel the distance between Gao Yang and the others.

This eighth-level brat was about to scold in his heart at this moment.

Originally, when a few people from Gaoyang stepped into the office building, the eighth-level kid thought it was another free food delivered to his door.

But who would have thought that such a terrifying person would come.

With his eighth level, when the yin energy in his body faced Gao Yang, he was seriously injured in an instant.

With such a disparity in strength, this little ghost at level eight couldn't have the courage to confront Gao Yang.

Soon, in the perception of this eighth-level kid, the sound of footsteps over there was closer to him.

Especially the voice of humming "cut the artery and cut the vein" became clearer as the footsteps approached.

As the footsteps got closer, each step seemed to be stepping on the heartbeat, which made the heartbeat and breathing of the eighth-level kid involuntarily stop.

A feeling called panic kept growing in the heart of this eighth-level kid who was hiding under a desk.

However, seeing the footsteps of the people on Gao Yang's side getting closer and closer to his side, when they were only about two or three meters away, those humming voices and footsteps suddenly disappeared.

Under such circumstances, the kid with level 8 803 couldn't help but look startled.

The original panic in my heart was also filled with doubts.

Ghosts are originally formed by the condensation of souls after death.

Therefore, ghosts also retain the characteristics of some living people.

For example, death and curiosity.

And this eighth-level ghost king is still a little ghost, just when his curiosity is the strongest.

Therefore, even though he was a little flustered at the moment, this kid couldn't help but slowly poked his head out from under the desk and looked around.

As far as the eye can see, the surrounding area is quiet, and there is no one.

Seeing this scene, the little ghost felt a little more relaxed.


However, before the little ghost could completely relax, a warm feeling suddenly brushed across his neck.

The strong breath of life and the yang energy contained in it, if it is normal, will definitely make this little ghost look fierce.

But at this moment, when he felt this movement, the little devil's body stiffened immediately.

Turning (bfbd) his head mechanically and slowly, Gao Yang's smiling face was already imprinted in front of this kid in his sight.

The distance between the two is almost only a centimeter or two.

Besides, beside Gao Yang, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu were also staring at him with smirks on their faces.


Seeing this scene in his eyes, the eighth-level kid screamed in alarm and made a gesture to run away.


However, before the eighth-level kid could implement the idea in his heart, a gunshot sounded, and a bullet almost flew past the kid's head and hit the ground.

Seeing the red energy that seemed to be corroding and burning the ground where the ground was hit, an uncontrollable fear burst out from the heart of this eighth-level kid.

Especially when he noticed that Gao Yang was pointing the gun at him, he felt a strong sense of warning in his heart, and this kid didn't dare to make the slightest movement at all.

After walking in front of this brat, he raised the muzzle of the gun slightly and pointed it at the head of this eighth-level brat.

Facing Gao Yang's actions, the body of this eighth-level kid trembled violently.

For ordinary people, faced with this situation, they would probably be discouraged immediately.

But this little ghost deserves to be corroded by corpse blood, after all, it is a bit more vicious.

Therefore, facing the current situation, this eighth-level brat screamed: "The big bully will never grow old, let me go if you have the ability, and when I grow up, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Hearing this, Gao Yang let out a "Yo Ha" in his heart.

At this time, dare to use this kind of aggressive method that goes against the grain?

Let you go, I'm afraid you are thinking of farting!

Therefore, facing the words of the eighth-level brat at this moment, without saying a word, Gao Yang passed the muzzle of the gun a little forward and put it on the forehead of the eighth-level brat.

At this point, the eighth-level kid retreated fiercely and quickly said, "Uncle, don't kill me, I know I was wrong."

While talking, this eighth-level kid still looked timid.

He couldn't see the fierce look before.

Hearing this, the corner of Gao Yang's mouth twitched slightly, and he said softly, "What's your name uncle? Brother, otherwise, your neck will be broken!"

Gao Yang said the last few words in this sentence almost word for word.

The threatening meaning in the words is not concealed.

Facing Gao Yang's words, this little devil was very angry, but he could only show his well-behaved yangzi

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