My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 647

It is also because of this that even the last time the Secret Service provoked Gao Yang, Gao Yang did not treat the Secret Service as he did to the Maoshan faction in the first place.

After thinking for a while, Gao Yang turned to ask: "Didn't you say before that your secret service can detect even level nine ghosts?"

Speaking of this, Yan Rou also gave a wry smile on her face, with a bit of depression and helplessness in her expression.

Noticing Yan Rou's expression, Gao Yang was also somewhat puzzled, not sure why Yan Rou was so well behaved.

Amid Gao Yang's doubts, Yan Rou said slowly: "To be honest with Mr. Gao, the new Yin Yin instrument in the research institute had indeed achieved results two months ago, but due to some reasons, one of them was the most critical. people died...

It was also because of the death of this researcher that the relevant parts of the Yin Yin Instrument needed to be re-researched, so the results were delayed until recently.

It is estimated that it will take several days to successfully get the equipment. "

After Yan Rou's words fell, Gao Yang pondered for a while and asked, "The person you're talking about is Zhou Qifu, right?"

Hearing this, Yan Rou nodded and said helplessly: "It's him! Maybe it was because he was worried that people from the Secret Service would notice what he was going to do, so this Zhou Qifu took away all the materials he participated in in advance as a follow-up A talisman.

But I didn't expect it to be solved directly by Mr. Gao, and even we couldn't find relevant information afterwards. "

Although Yan Rou also knew that this incident was Zhou Qifu's own death.

But thinking of Gao Yang directly killing someone that day, Yan Rou's eyes were filled with resentment.

But Gao Yang didn't care about Yan Rou's gaze.

After all, Zhou Qifu wanted to die by himself, and if he killed him, he would kill him, and Gao Yang felt no pressure in his heart.

As for some other influences, Gao Yang can only attribute it to accidents, after all, Gao Yang can't think of everything.

But, according to what Yan Rou said, since even the Yin Yin Apparatus on the Secret Service's side couldn't test it out.

It can only be said that the ghosts in the kindergarten in 2.6 must have reached level nine.

Or, there are three or more ghost kings of level eight or more ghost kings of level seven.

However, compared to the ninth level, Gao Yang prefers that there are more ghosts in the eighth or seventh level in the kindergarten.

You know, when you advance from level 8 to level 9, you will experience thunder calamity.

The thunder tribulation from level eight to level nine was not played by Gao Yang. If Gao Yang hadn't helped, even Liu Zhaoyun would have never been able to get through that thunder calamity easily.

Moreover, several daughter-in-laws in my family are all so high-ranking, which is inseparably closely related to my hard irrigation.

Gao Yang doesn't know about ordinary ghosts in other places, at least in Jinhua City, if a large number of ordinary people are killed by ghosts, the Secret Service will definitely come to find him as soon as possible.

Where might it be until now? _

Chapter 486 For example, make her cry (fifth)

After learning about the situation, Gao Yang didn't continue to entangle Yan Rou too much on this issue.

Anyway, with Gao Yang's current strength, as long as it is not a ghost above level nine, there is no problem for Gao Yang.

However, after confirming the situation of the cultivator's confrontation with the ghosts or evil queens infested by corpse blood, Gao Yang didn't move and planned to let Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu follow.

After all, there were two people around, so Gao Yanglang had to be a little worried about what he said.

The conversation between Gao Yang and Yan Rou didn't avoid Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, so they also knew that even if they lost their strength, they would still be dragging their feet.

Seeing Gao Yang jumping up into the air and leaving quickly, Taoist Yuxu sighed and said: "I thought it would be helpful to shorten the gap with the boss after going down the mountain this time, but I didn't expect the gap to be even bigger."

Hearing this, Fang Tiancheng also sighed and said: "Who said it wasn't! Now the big boss is a real big boss, even the forces in Longhushan and Tianshi 15 Mansion have to be careful when they meet a big boss, it's really impressive. I'm jealous!"


With Gao Yang's current speed, in this Jinhua City, even traveling from the east to the west of the city does not take five minutes.

It only takes two minutes to reach Fulin Kindergarten that Yan Rou mentioned.

When they arrived, there were already a group of Secret Service personnel around Fulin Kindergarten.

After seeing Gao Yang, not long after, a person from the secret service quickly came up to him.

Apparently, even though Gao Yang was dealing with the office building before, the kindergarten also has people from the special service department making preparations, so that Gao Yang can act immediately to solve the problems in the kindergarten.

In sight, at this moment, the surroundings of the kindergarten are already filled with some formations, which completely isolate the inside from the outside world.

In the past, Gao Yang didn't know much about formations.

But one law is universal.

With Gao Yang's current talisman cultivation base, he can understand some formations by analogy.

So looking at the formations arranged by the secret service at this moment, Gao Yang raised his eyebrows.

Not to mention, although the overall strength of the Secret Service is not very good, the formation is really interesting.

In Gao Yang's view, just the formation covering this kindergarten at this moment is so mysterious and complex that even ordinary monks at the seventh-level celestial master level may not be able to arrange it.

I'm afraid that the government and the Secret Service have spent a lot of thought on researching this thing.

After signaling for a while, Gao Yang stepped into this blocking formation step by step as the secret service personnel who had gathered at the entrance of the kindergarten dispersed.

Just after stepping in, a fierce and bloody aura that was nearly ten times stronger than in the office building before rushed over.

At the same time, in Gao Yang's mind, there were already continuous prompts flashing.

"Ding, evil spirits have been detected, target rating: Level 7 Corpse Boy"

"Ding, evil spirits detected, target level evaluation: Level 6 ghoul"

"Ding, a ghost has been detected, target level evaluation: level eight blood demon."


But in just a few seconds, more than 30 system prompts flashed in Gao Yang's mind.

It is conceivable how many ghosts and evil spirits there are in this kindergarten at this moment.

I'm afraid it's not lower than the number of ghosts contained in the ghost creature that Gao Yang entered before.

And in these notification sounds, there are also two eighth-level ghosts.


Glancing at the system prompts that flashed one after another, Gao Yang raised his mouth and couldn't help but smile.

What does Gao Yang like?

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