My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 653

But just when Gao Yang was about to catch a hint, a strong palpitation suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart.

Under this feeling, Gao Yang, who was originally cautious, directly interrupted the divination this time.

Although the result has not been calculated.

But since the strong heart palpitations that even Gao Yang would have appeared before, it is enough to show that the things involved behind this bloody corpse are definitely not ordinary.

"It looks like I'm going to talk to Yan Rou about this issue tomorrow!"

After pondering for a while, Gao Yang just shook his head, Wei Ran sighed and took out the elixir to refine alchemy again.

No matter what happens later, now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with improving the strength of yourself and the girls as much as possible.

Anyway, no matter what changes are involved between the Corpse Blood Demon and the Yang Commander, the Yin Commander and the recovery of ghost energy, if the strength is sufficient, it can adapt to all changes without change.

ps: In the transitional chapter, the foreshadowing during this period made my head hurt. Fortunately, I have finally finished these foreshadowing. Continue to ask for monthly tickets and subscription support! _

Chapter 491 Let the daughters-in-law know what cruelty is

After the training was over, Gao Yang slowly walked downstairs with the refined elixir.

One must know that the thing Gao Yang puts the elixir in is a simple glass bottle, the sealing effect is average, so naturally it cannot stop the aroma of the elixir from coming out.

Therefore, when Gao Yang was still on the stairs, the women in the living room who smelled the aroma of the medicine all turned their heads to look at Gao Yang who was coming down the stairs.

After a pause, their eyes all focused on Gao Yang's hands in unison.

Just after Gao Yang sat down, the little loli threw herself into Gao Yang's arms and asked curiously, "It smells so good, what is it?"

Even the cat-eared lady is like this at the moment.

The eyes and expression that stared at the glass bottle in Gao Yang's hand were like an ordinary kitten seeing catnip, and they couldn't move it away.

Seeing this, Gao Yang smiled "hehe" and said, "This is the Xuanyuan Soul Cultivation Pill."

Hearing this name, let alone Little Lolita and Mao Erniang, even Liu Zhaoyun and Zhao Wan'er looked skeptical.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Wan'er asked, "How many pills?"

Hearing this, Gao Yang chuckled lightly and said, "Ninth grade panacea."

As soon as these four words came out, both Zhao Wan'er and Liu Zhaoyun's eyes froze and they couldn't help taking a breath.

"Ninth grade panacea?"

Seeing the shocked faces of the girls, Gao Yang also smiled complacently.

Ninth grade elixir, ordinary monks want to refine it, not to mention the ability of alchemy, the material alone can cause headaches.

The higher the elixir level, the higher the requirements for alchemy ability and elixir.

If you want to refine the elixir of the ninth grade, the elixir that needs to be consumed is at least the elixir that needs to be effective for ten thousand years.

Nowadays, although the ghost energy in the world has recovered and the world has changed drastically, many extinct elixirs have reappeared under the gathering of Yin energy.

But how could a elixir with ten thousand years of efficacy be born in such a short period of time?

Those who can have a thousand-year medicinal effect are indomitable.

But Gao Yang is different.

Through two strengthenings of the system, even a few decades old elixir can be strengthened to the level of a ten thousand year elixir.

Coupled with Gao Yang's level of alchemy, the Ninth Grade Spiritual Pill also officially appeared.

It can be said that in the whole world, Gao Yang is the only one who can refine the Ninth Grade Spirit Pill.

Otherwise, why should the girls be so shocked?

At this moment, Liu Zhaoyun also swept away the laziness and carelessness of the past, and asked with interest: "What effect?"

Gao Yang said in a low voice: "Since it's called Soul Cultivation Pill, the effect is naturally to nourish the soul, taking this pill can continuously strengthen the ghost's soul, once you take nine pills.

The effect achieved is no less than the effect brought about by the seven days of cultivation experienced by the soul in the body after death. "

As soon as these words came out, even Liu Zhaoyun's expression changed.

There is a theory of the first seven after death.

The reason for this is probably because after the death of an ordinary person, the soul will start to absorb the body's own nutrients in the body and then accumulate the soul.

Only in this way can the soul be successfully condensed into a spirit body.

Also because it was originally his own body, the cultivation of the first seven days had the strongest effect on a ghost.

No matter how to improve the strength and level in the future, it will definitely not reach the automatic accumulation in the body in the first seven days.

For ghosts, the stronger the soul, the faster it can absorb Yin Qi, the degree of Yin Qi contained by the spirit body, and even the speed of future cultivation, etc.

In other words, the soul represents everything about ghosts.

To put it bluntly, if any ghost can have two times of continuous accumulation of the first seven, even a first-level ghost can hang and beat ordinary third-level ghosts when it comes out.

This is the benefit of a strong soul and spirit body.

Therefore, according to what Gao Yang said, the panacea in Gao Yang's hand should not have too much effect on the girls.

Therefore, after understanding the function of the Xuanyuan Soul Cultivating Pill in Gao Yang's hands, the women all looked at Gao Yang with burning eyes.

Especially the little loli, her little hands have a tendency to move around.

Seeing this, Gao Yang chuckled lightly, and then said: "Well, let's discuss it. In the future, I will work hard to make alchemy for you, and then let me take a break during the week and weekends, how about it?"

Gao Yang thought, anyway, he can make alchemy now.

It's better than the benefits that I have brought to my daughters by working hard every day!

I also take advantage of the situation and can take two days off every week to rest.

After all, Gao Yang felt that he still had to think about the future.

When I was young, I didn't know the preciousness of kidneys, but when I was old, I looked at Kong and shed tears!

Moreover, Gao Yang reckoned that the girls might agree to it for the sake of the panacea.

However, just as Gao Yang said this, the little loli who was about to move her hand suddenly paused for a moment, and then retracted it.

The cat-eared lady glanced at the elixir in the glass bottle in Gao Yang's hand, then glanced at Gao Yang again, and sat on the side in a well-behaved manner.

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