My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 655

Once the level is raised, I am afraid that many ghosts will be wiped out in the thunder disaster.

Therefore, just like Gao Yang, the two women clearly knew what it means that ghosts don't need to go through the thunder disaster.

"What the hell is that corpse blood demon? Can it prevent ghosts from going through thunderstorms?" After a while, Zhao Wan'er still couldn't help asking.

Gao Yang said helplessly: "It would be great if I knew, but judging from that experience in the blood-colored space, such things as blood corpses existed a long time ago, but they are all in a sealed state."

After thinking about it, Gao Yang still revealed the picture of his Yang Commander to himself several times.

After Gao Yang finished speaking, Liu Zhaoyun looked sideways and said, "Do you mean to say that the picture described in your Yang Commander's card is very likely to be the picture of this world before?"

Gao Yang spread his hands and said: "This possibility is not impossible, after all, it is very good, and no one knows why the earth fell into the exhaustion of spiritual energy in the past.

There are also the seals on the earth, the yang command card and the yin command card, all of which appeared with the appearance of the blood moon.

Moreover, what do you think is the biggest change as the blood moon continues to appear? "

Zhao Wan'er said slowly: "With the appearance of the blood moon, the yin energy on the earth continues to increase, and it becomes less and less difficult for monks and our ghosts to improve their strength and level."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "That's right, and from the fourth time, the Yang Commander and Yin Commander cards appeared together, and this time, the streamers brought you and me a lot of benefits.

The combination of these things always gives me the feeling that I am deliberately improving the strength of ghosts or monks on the earth! "

Speaking of this, Zhao Wan'er also echoed: "Yes, I also have a little bit of this feeling recently, but in half a year, the whole world has changed too much with the continuous emergence of blood moons."

Half a year ago, even the seventh-level ghost king level ghosts were rare.

But now, Gao Yang was able to meet four eighth-level ghost king-level ghosts in one night.

Compared with before, the change is really too big.

Afterwards, Gao Yang continued: "The target of the Corpse Blood Evil is basically staring at the ghost with the Yin Commander.

And the Yang Commander in my body can devour corpses and blood demons, there must be a certain connection between the three.

Maybe, in the future, the picture created in the card of my Yang Commander will (are you okay) happen again. "

That bloody corpse is a bit like a zombie in a movie.

Once attacked by ghosts or evil spirits infested by corpse blood evil, they will also be infected by these corpse blood evil and transform into another ghost or evil spirit.

Let it go, however, it doesn't take long, once it becomes a scale, it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

If it is not handled well, it is not impossible for it to turn into a picture like Yang Ling's card fed back into Gao Yang's mind.

For the current world, Gao Yang feels pretty good.

So I'm not interested in changing the environment I live in to the one in the Yang Commander card where the world is all blood red.

Otherwise, a lazy person like Gao Yang would not be interested in focusing on this thing all day long.

Speaking of this, Zhao Wan'er obviously also knew the seriousness of the matter, and her brows were already tightly knitted unconsciously. _

Chapter 493: Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black

Looking at Zhao Wan'er's expression, Liu Zhaoyun chuckled lightly and said, "It's rare, you would actually show such an expression."

Afterwards, without waiting for Zhao Wan'er to respond, Liu Zhaoyun continued to casually say: "There is nothing to worry about. Looking at the previous situation, your Mysterious Phantom Fire just restrained those corpse blood demons. As long as the strength is guaranteed to be strong enough, those things will not be able to cause any disturbances." .

No matter how bad it is, you can ask us for help. "

Zhao Wan'er gave Liu Zhaoyun a blank look when she heard the words and said, "Of course I'm not afraid of that thing, but I'm worried about my subordinates in Yuyang City."

As she said that, Zhao Wan'er looked at Gao Yang and said, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

Gao Yang knew what Zhao Wan'er was referring to.

Just like what Liu Zhaoyun said before, the underworld fire on Zhao Wan'er's body is obviously able to restrain the corpse blood evil.

It was also because of that kind of underworld fire that even the corpse blood demon couldn't corrode Zhao Wan'er.

But Zhao Wan'er has no problem, the ghosts under Zhao Wan'er may not be able to withstand it.

Even Wei Qingyu, who was a ninth-level Asura last time, was directly invaded by the bloody corpse into the Yin Commander's card.

Not to mention Zhao Wan'er's lower level ghosts.

Therefore, facing Zhao Wan'er's words, after pondering for a while, Gao Yang said: "There is a way, but this depends on your influence and control over those ghosts in Yuyang City."

"How to say?" Zhao Wan'er asked.

Gao Yang's method is very simple, in fact, it is nothing more than statistics and control.

As long as Zhao Wan'er can control the ghosts under her hands, she will gather a time every night to call and roll.

Once there is no one who comes that night, search for it as soon as possible.

In this way, it is possible to investigate or eliminate the subordinates and even the ghosts that have been eroded by the corpse blood evil in the first time.

This is also the most feasible method in Gao Yang's view.

After all, several women have seen such things as Corpse Blood Demon, and they all know the fluctuations and breath of Corpse Blood Demon.

As long as it is controlled within a certain period of time, even if Corpse Xuesha can quickly increase the strength and level of ghosts, it will not be raised to a level that even a Nether level like Zhao Wan'er can't solve.

But as Gao Yang said before, it depends on Zhao Wan'er's control over Yuyang City.

If Zhao Waner had a strong control over the ghosts in Yuyang City, all the ghosts in Yuyang City could even become Zhao Waner's eyeliner.

Once other ghosts find the Corpse Blood Demon, they can let Zhao Wan'er know as soon as possible.

After listening to what Gao Yang said, Zhao Wan'er thought about it carefully.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Zhao (bfbh) Wan'er replied: "Your method is good, and it is very feasible!"

Gao Yang sighed and said: "This is just to prevent, it can only be said to put an end to the flooding of corpses and blood in your Yuyang City in a short period of time, but it is too difficult to eradicate.

After all, we have no way of knowing where these blood corpses come from. "

Zhao Wan'er nodded and said, "It's good to be able to prevent it."

As she said that, Zhao Wan'er turned her head to Chu Qianyi and said, "Third Sister, I may have to stay in Yuyang City for the next few days, why don't we change the time?"

Chu Qianyi can be said to be the most talkative one in the family.

Although when facing the other women, he would not be as submissive as he was facing Gao Yang.

But as long as he didn't want to forcibly occupy Chu Qianyi's time with Gao Yang, Chu Qianyi would basically not object to other things.

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