My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 657

When Gao Yang drove to the gate of the secret service office, someone from the special service office immediately helped him park the car in the parking lot.

After arriving at Jiang Yongning's office, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu greeted him.

Yan Rou and Jiang Yongning also stood up.

After waving his hand for a while, Gao Yang sat down on the sofa directly.

Glancing at the ashtray full of cigarette butts in front of Jiang Yongning, Gao Yang went straight to the point without too much nonsense: "What is the result of your investigation?"

Jiang Yongning responded while handing Gao Yang a cigarette: "It's confirmed, according to the location mentioned by Tianjimen, the local secret service and the official have checked it, and there is indeed the same enchantment as last time.

But because of the barrier of the enchantment, our people can't go further to check whether it is the same as last time. Behind those enchantments is the bloody space of last time. "

After lighting a cigarette, Gao Yang continued to ask: "What plans do you have for this matter?"

Jiang Yongning sighed and said: "According to the calculation of Tianjimen, we have ten of the seventeen barriers in Yan Kingdom, and they broke out at the same time, unless all the forces in the practice world unite us.

Otherwise, judging from the previous situation, facing this amount of barriers, I am afraid that our secret service will not be able to cope with the current situation. "

As he said that, Jiang Yongning looked at Gao Yang and said, "Mr. Gao, this time, I'm afraid I can only trouble you!"

Listening to Jiang Yongning's words, Gao Yang did not rush to respond.

Instead, after thinking quietly for more than ten seconds, he opened his mouth and said, "Have you ever thought that the barriers this time will not necessarily be the blood-colored space like last time?"

After saying these words, several people in the room all looked at Gao Yang.

After hesitating for a while, Yan Rou asked, "Does Mr. Gao know any new news?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "No, but I did my own divination before I came here, and found that the result of the divination this time is an auspicious hexagram."

got this answer,

Both Jiang Yongning and Yan Rou froze for a moment.

After a while, Jiang Yongning said with a dry smile: "Mr. Gao is also good at divination?"

Gao Yang said casually: "It's okay!"

Faced with Gao Yang's understatement, Yan Rou and Jiang Yongning couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

··· ···Ask for flowers·····

I don't know whether to trust Gao Yang or not.

However, Gao Yang didn't care about the reaction of the two of them.

I said it as a guide, believe it or not, I don't care.

As far as the relationship between Gao Yang and the Secret Service is not up to the level of earnest persuasion.

Anyway, Gao Yang is sure that this side will not have a major impact on the world.

Gao Yang didn't get too entangled in this issue, but said: "I'm here today, besides the enchantment, I have one more thing to remind you of the secret service."

Jiang Yongning and Yan Rou glanced at each other and nodded, "Mr. Gao, please tell me."

Gao Yang asked directly: "Thinking about it, you should know that after the level of ghosts has been raised to a certain level, ghosts need to experience tribulation and thunder, right?"

...? ...

Jiang Yongning nodded and said, "Yes, I know about this."

Seeing this, Gao Yang continued: "Recently, I discovered a problem, that is, ghosts or evil spirits that have been corrupted by corpse blood, it is very likely that they will be able to advance directly without going through the thunder disaster."


Hearing this, not to mention Jiang Yongning and Yan Rou, even Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu who were next to him were shocked.

Amid the astonishment of the few people, Gao Yang said in a slightly solemn tone: "So, next time you special service, you'd better focus on the corpse blood, the degree of harm of this thing is much stronger than ordinary ghosts.

Once it spreads, I don't need to say more about the consequences. "

After a general reminder of these things, Gao Yang took away from Yan Rou yesterday's reward for helping the Special Service Office, and Gao Yang left with Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu.

After walking out of the gate of the Seventh Office of the Secret Service with Gao Yang, Fang Tiancheng asked: "Boss, is the enchantment thing you said before true or false?"

Gao Yang glanced at Fang Tiancheng and said, "Do you think I can gain a dime by deceiving them?"

Fang Tiancheng scratched his head and said, "That's right! Then, if you say that, can you get benefits from this enchantment of Jiuyi Mountain this time?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "Nine out of ten chances."

With Gao Yang's confirmation, the eyes of Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu lit up again. _

Chapter 495 Comparing with the big guys, it's purely for nothing to find autism

As the sky darkened completely, and the bright moon was already high in the sky, Jiuyi Mountain, Gao Yang, Fang Tiancheng, and Taoist Yuxu all slowly entered the barrier at this moment.

However, when Gao Yang arrived at Jiuyi Mountain and walked to the location where the barrier was led by the people from the Secret Service, Gao Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

the reason is simple.

This time, the place where the barrier existed was actually the entrance to the bloody space last time.

The only difference is that this time there are not many ghosts and evil spirits squatting at the entrance like last time.

The enchantment, which is as sparkling as sea water, completely prevents outsiders from entering.

"Interesting, the location of the entrance is the same!"

Although it is said that Gao Yang knows that this time the location of this special enchantment is still on the Jiuyi Mountain.

"Five three seven" But Gao Yang never thought that the position of the enchantment was exactly the same as last time.

After rubbing his chin and thinking for a while, Gao Yang took a few steps forward and walked directly in front of the barrier.

When the hand is placed on this enchantment, the shimmering mask in front of him is like a thing.

Raising his eyebrows, a streak of true energy has already rushed out of Gao Yang's hand.

Under this ray of true energy, a ray of energy was forcibly pulled out from the barrier in front of him.

When this ray of energy started, Gao Yang's body's true energy stirred again.

Afterwards, runes began to appear around Gao Yang.

On the other hand, Gao Yang tapped the energy that had just been pulled out by the barrier in front of him, causing the energy to disperse and penetrate into the surrounding runes, Gao Yang closed his eyes and began to calculate.

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