My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 670

Needless to say, this is the first time that Gao Yang knows that there are so many ways in Yang Qi.

No wonder I heard that many ghosts are always staring at clean young men and women.

The reason for the co-authorship is that the higher the yang quality of these objects, the greater the help they will bring.

However, after savoring what Liu Zhaoyun said in the next second, Gao Yang sensed the problem.

Then he said in amazement: "Hey! That's not right! Didn't you say that you need to have unbroken yang energy to be considered the top? If I do this every day, it's not considered broken?"


Over the past few months, Gao Yang has been indulging every night.

I haven't rested for more than a hundred days.

Just like that, am I still an innocent little man?

Could it be that playing with ghosts is not fun?


Hearing Gao Yang's words, Liu Zhaoyun also had some doubts on her face and said: "I thought it was strange at first, you now have seven wives and one concubine, why is Yang Qi still so pure?

But later I guess it should be caused by the exercises you practiced. "

As she said that, Liu Zhaoyun smiled and said, "I have to say, you and we are indeed a good match! No matter how much you toss about Yang Qi, it's so delicious."

While speaking, Liu Zhaoyun gave Gao Yang a thumbs up.

This facial expression 3.4 action unexpectedly made Gao Yang feel a little playful for no reason, causing Gao Yang to frown slightly.

Then, after a pause, Liu Zhaoyun continued: "And the higher your cultivation base, the purer the spiritual power in your body will be, and after each life-and-death encounter, naturally the greater the benefits we will get.

This is also the reason why these two little girls are facing a breakthrough so soon. If Yaqin is on the side, it is estimated that they will be able to enter from the current eighth level ghost king level to the ninth level Shura level in a few days. "

After listening to what Liu Zhaoyun said, Qin Yaqin's eyes lit up.

Then when he looked at Gao Yang, the light in his eyes seemed to want to melt Gao Yang directly.

After understanding all this, Gao Yang pondered.

After a while, Gao Yang looked up at Liu Zhaoyun seriously, and then asked a question that Gao Yang was more concerned about. _

Chapter 506: Even thinking about getting something for nothing all day long

"Daughter-in-law, tell me the truth! How long will it take you to advance?"

The other girls, Gao Yang, thought it was okay.

Even if it is Zhao Wan'er, who has just been promoted to the Nether level, even if her cultivation base has improved now, Zhao Wan'er will probably need a lot of time to advance to the level.

Only Liu Zhaoyun broke through to Nether level for some time.

And the last time he also got a lot of benefits after the fifth blood moon.

Not to mention that Gao Yang has just advanced to the Human Realm today, and he can beat Liu Zhaoyun.

Tomorrow Liu Zhaoyun suddenly advanced again.

This is cheating!

Listening to Gao Yang's words, Liu Zhaoyun smiled lightly, then put her arms on Gao Yang's shoulders and breathed out, "It depends on whether you will work hard or not!"

"whispering sound!"

Hearing Liu Zhaoyun's words, Gao Yang curled his lips and said, "Anyway, he is also a Nether-level giant now, and he thinks about such things for nothing all day long."

Hearing this, Liu Zhaoyun raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "Get something for nothing? So, do you want me to take the initiative like Zhao Wan'er, or do you want me to call your father more hard?"

While speaking, Liu Zhaoyun still blew lightly into Gao Yang's ear.

Faced with this situation, Gao Yang couldn't help but think of these two incidents in his mind.

As early as the night before yesterday, after Gao Yang made the defenseless and unprepared Liu Zhaoyun call him "Dad" through "Small Prophecy", Gao Yang's actions opened a new door for Liu Zhaoyun.

And Gao Yang didn't expect that these two words would bring such a great stimulus at the time of life and death?

The reason why Gao Yang was so exhausted in the past two days was entirely due to the change of Liu Zhaoyun's title.

Therefore, facing Liu Zhaoyun's teasing, Gao Yang wanted to hide his face and run away.

Why can Liu Zhaoyun talk about anything when it comes to that?

Also, can you restrain your wanton temptation a little?

Gao Yang felt that as he spent more time with Liu Zhaoyun, through Liu Zhaoyun's digging, Gao Yang understood himself better.

But this process consumes a lot of physical strength.

If possible, Gao Yang doesn't want to know too much about himself in certain aspects.

God is so unfair sometimes.

Some people don't look good, but they still have a tough personality.

As for Liu Zhaoyun, she is pretty, and her provocative skills are still full!

Every now and then, the drainage ditch turns around, which makes Gao Yang, an old driver, unable to stand up to it.

However, if this continues, Gao Yang guesses that he has reached Jiuyi Mountain tonight.

It is estimated that both legs are swinging.

In order to maintain the dignity of a man outside, Gao Yang felt that it was better for him to avoid the sharp edge for now.

Therefore, after coughing lightly, he pressed the little Lolita's head that was ready to move and said, "I still have something to do tonight, I'll go up and make some preparations" and then left in a flash.

Seeing Gao Yang's figure disappear in a flash.

During the process, Gao Yang's speed was so fast that even Liu Zhaoyun almost didn't see Gao Yang's movements clearly.

With this scene in her eyes, Liu Zhaoyun couldn't help but move slightly.

Afterwards, she glanced around at the other women in the living room, as if thinking of something, Liu Zhaoyun suddenly waved to the women.

After the girls came over suspiciously, Liu Zhaoyun waved her right hand lightly, and a cloud of yin energy enveloped them, cutting off the girls' conversation.


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