My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 674

However, just when Gao Yang was amazed by the streamer, a piece of information flooded into Gao Yang's mind.

But it is about the topographic map in the mausoleum below.

As well as the treasures carried in various places in this mausoleum and the so-called inheritance hall.

"This place is interesting!"

Originally, Gao Yang just wanted to come here to see what was going on in this so-called land of inheritance.

But he didn't expect to find something more interesting to Gao Yang just after he came in.

According to the flow of light just now, maybe in this mausoleum, Gao Yang may be able to learn some information related to the blood moon or this great change of heaven and earth.

"My spiritual power has actually increased so much?"

"That's right! What the hell is Liu Guang? Can it bring us such great benefits?"


While Gao Yang was thinking, the conversation between Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu suddenly reached Gao Yang's ears.

Hearing this, Gao Yang glanced at Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu.

In Gao Yang's line of sight, no matter whether it is Fang Tiancheng or Taoist Yuxu's physical and spiritual power, they can see everything at a glance.

However, under the two streams of light just now, the spiritual power of Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu's bodies at this moment has skyrocketed several times.

Even the distance from stepping into the seventh-level celestial master realm is only a step away.

Gao Yang was not surprised by this either.

After all, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu are not themselves.

The energy needed to advance to the next level is absolutely massive.

Even if it's just the energy contained in this beam of light, it is already enough to pile up the spiritual power in the two of them to the peak of the sixth level.

Afterwards, after questioning, Gao Yang also knew that the terrain map of the mausoleum below also appeared in the minds of the two of them.

And the content is the same as Gao Yang.

Even what is placed in those places is also marked.

"Boss, what happened to the streamer just now?"

Gao Yang said casually: "It's not surprising, this thing is the same as the thing that helped you directly raise your cultivation to level six when the fifth blood moon came."

Fang Tiancheng said blankly: "The same?"

On the other hand, Taoist Yuxu heard Gao Yang's words, and after thinking for a while, he was surprised and asked: "Could it be that there is any connection between this land of inheritance and the current great change in the world?"

Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know, but now it seems that maybe it's really like your Tianjimen's divination before. Here is the information related to the recovery of the ghost energy in the world."

Gao Yang still remembered the last time Taoist Yuxu's uncle Xu Zhengyang said that there might be some information related to the recovery of ghost energy in the barrier of Jiuyi Mountain last time.

··· ···seeking flowers 0

But in the end, he didn't expect to enter that bloody space.

Previously, Gao Yang thought that the people in Tianji Gate had figured out the problem.

But looking at it now, I'm afraid that some accident happened before that caused Gao Yang and others to be sent to that bloody space.

Now this place of inheritance is very likely to be the place calculated by Tianjimen last time.

After withdrawing his attention, Gao Yang said calmly: "Okay, let's go in first! Don't wait until later."

Just came in, this place of inheritance actually got such a big gift so that everyone who came in got benefits.

This can't help but make Gao Yang start to be a little curious about the things in the mausoleum.

0 ..... 0

Maybe, he can also harvest some things that Gao Yang or the daughters-in-law in the family can use.

Fang Tiancheng suddenly came back to his senses and said: "By the way, if you go late, the things may be robbed by others."

After finishing speaking, Fang Tiancheng turned his head to look at Gao Yang.

Even Taoist Yuxu is the same.

Facing the gazes of Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, Gao Yang asked strangely, "What are you looking at me for?"

Fang Tiancheng smiled "hehe" and said, "It may take a while for us to go to the Mausoleum Palace below. Boss, you are at the ninth level of the Yang God Realm. Wouldn't it be faster to take us directly down?"

Gao Yang rolled his eyes and said: "Don't think about it, there are still some chain formations in my mausoleum palace, one of which is forbidden to fly."

As early as when he first entered this place, Gao Yang's spiritual sense had fed back the surrounding situation.

Including the extremely obscure formation fluctuations around here.

If it had been before, Gao Yang might have broken the formation directly for the sake of peace of mind, and then went straight down with one hand.

But now, Gao Yang has developed a lot of interest in the things in the mausoleum below.

And Gao Yang didn't know if the owner of this inheritance place left any other means in it.

What if we rashly break the surrounding formations and cause damage to other things?

Seeing this, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu suddenly followed Gao Yang and quickly moved down the mountain. _

Chapter 510 This is the deterrent power from the boss

With the speed of Gao Yang, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, the high mountain of hundreds of meters only takes a short time of one or two minutes.

And when they arrived at the entrance of the Mausoleum Palace, there were two vertical iron characters with silver hooks on the left and right sides of the white marble-like gate.

On the left, it says "clouds rise, clouds set, sun and moon change"

On the right is written "Yin and Yang are immortal from beginning to end"

After glancing at the two lines of writing on the door, Gao Yang looked up at the door and got the plaque.

Glancing at the banner of "A Hundred Deaths Without Regrets", Gao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Originally, these two couplets looked like nothing.

But with this horizontal batch on the top, it suddenly feels a little more desolate and tragic.

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