My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 682

And what I said before is obviously an image of entrusting him with great trust, and there will definitely be a lot of rewards and rewards from time to time.

For ordinary people, even if it is to see the benefits behind, they will show it hypocritically.

Where could it be so decisive as Gao Yang is now.

For a while, facing such a situation, the scene became a little awkward. _

Chapter 516: The Cause of Great Changes in the World

After a while, Li Wanshan calmed down.

His face darkened slightly, and his tone became heavy: "If that's the case, then I can't hand over all the inheritance from my side to my little friend!"

If it were someone else, they would be anxious on the spot when they heard what Li Wanshan said.

On the other hand, Gao Yang, after Li Wanshan's words reached his ears, Gao Yang waved his hands casually and said, "It's okay! I don't care."

If it was before the change, Gao Yang might have to think about the future exercises before the system was upgraded again.

But now, with the second upgrade of the system, with the ability of the second level of strengthening, even "Shen Xiang Prison Power" can continue to add points later.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the cultivation technique or the magic technique, Gao Yang is not worried at all.

Moreover, the skills or spells derived from the system will be more powerful than Li Wanshan's inheritance no matter what!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Wanshan to be buried here, and then use his spirit body to talk to himself.

Looking at Gao Yang who didn't take his own inheritance into his heart at all, Li Wanshan felt blocked as if he had been shot in the chest by an arrow.

At the same time, I couldn't help but burst into a foul language.

Who is he? Don't you care what the hell are you doing in this place of inheritance?

After pondering for a while, Li Wanshan finally said in a deep voice: "Forget it, since you don't want to be old, you won't force you! After all, you are the owner of the king-level Yang Commander, you just need to deal with it casually, and the old man can also use it The inheritance is handed over to you!"

Facing Li Wanshan's words, Gao Yang smiled lightly.

Seeing Gao Yang's smile, Li Wanshan thought that Gao Yang's heart had been moved, and he would directly agree to it.

After all, he has already talked about this part, so Gao Yang has no reason to refuse.

"I don't!"

However, when Li Wanshan was full of confidence, Gao Yang spat out these two words contemptuously!

The current Gao Yang is no longer the simple and ignorant boy he used to be.

As early as after that dark marriage contract, Gao Yang used his own experience to prove the truth that "there is no free lunch in the world".

If I really express my attitude according to what Li Wanshan said now, if Li Wanshan makes some kind of contract at that time, wouldn't it be that I will be included in it.

Sacrifice yourself to make others better, because the daughter-in-law in the family is not beautiful anymore! Or is he living too well now?

Is it okay to embarrass yourself?

Why would Gao Yang take such a risk when he refused anyway.


Hearing Gao Yang's response, even though Li Wanshan really wanted to be calm, he still couldn't help cursing in his heart.

Just like what Gao Yang was worried about.

From Li Wanshan's point of view, Gao Yang alone can possess the monarch-level Yang Commander card.

In the future, it is bound to be the leader of all monks.

It is obviously not a good thing for Gao Yang to have such selfish thoughts now.

Therefore, when Li Wanshan spoke just now, the hands under Li Wanshan's sleeves already had runes slowly condensing.

After Gao Yang spoke, he would forcefully make a contract for Gao Yang.

This made Gao Yang have to stand up when facing some things in the future.

But after all calculations, Li Wanshan never thought that Gao Yang would refuse so decisively in the face of such a temptation.

"I'm afraid I'm not born rebellious, I like to be rebellious to others!"

Instead of continuing to toss this topic with Li Wanshan, Gao Yang asked instead: "Well, sir, I have answered all your questions before, and I am courteous. Next, I also want to ask you a few questions."

Li Wanshan wanted to say no, and then changed the topic back.

But thinking of Gao Yang's decisive attitude, Li Wanshan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Actually, you don't need to tell me, this old man can guess what you want to ask."

After speaking, Li Wanshan sighed and said, "Since you are able to enter this inheritance place, it is obvious that the seal of this world has been broken!"

Gao Yang nodded his head.

Seeing this, Li Wanshan continued: "I don't know the exact time, after all, what I have in this inheritance crystal is just a divine consciousness.

So the old man can only describe it to the little friend according to the old man's memory. "

Then, after a few seconds of deliberation, Li Wanshan said slowly: "At the time when the old man was there, the whole world had not been sealed, but cultivation was flourishing, and the world was headed by two divisions, three mountains, six sects, nine sects and eighteen sects.

But one night, the bright moon in the sky suddenly turned blood-colored, and immediately after that, some strange ghosts and evil spirits appeared in various places.

Many spells do not have much effect on these ghosts and evil spirits, only some pure spells can cause harm to them.

More importantly, no matter if it is a living person or a ghost, if it is attacked, it will be transformed in the same way.

Moreover, the strength of these transformed ghosts or evil spirits will increase rapidly, and even the soul will be eroded, which is very difficult to deal with.

However, in just a few months, after the seven blood moons, these ghosts and evil spirits were almost everywhere, causing the two strongest Yang Division and Yin Division forces in our practice world to unite all monks or ghosts to fight a war.

Then the world will be sealed at the cost of the lives of thousands of monks and ghosts, as well as all the Yang Commander and Yin Commander cards as sacrifices..."

Then, in the words of Li Wanshan 500, Gao Yang also knew that the Yang Commander and the Yin Commander belonged to the concentrated refining that consumed all the resources of the practice world during the previous war on Earth.

The purpose is to be able to quickly improve the strength of the monks and ghosts on the earth when the earth's seal is broken and the blood moon comes again, so as to deal with those enemies who are eroded by the corpse blood.

According to Li Wanshan, there have been nine blood moons in total, but because of the remaining seals on the earth, the appearance of the blood moon this time is much slower than the last time.

But as long as after the seventh blood moon, the number of blood corpses everywhere will increase rapidly.

At that time, under the influence of these blood corpses, the world will fall into the same tragic situation as when the last blood moon appeared.

Or more serious.

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