My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 685

Hearing the sound, other people around and Gao Yang turned their heads to look.

I saw that almost a thousand meters away, a crack that almost connected the entire world had appeared at some point.

And in this crack, there is another mausoleum that is also filled with corpses and blood.

Not only that, but at the same time as this crack appeared, one crack after another also appeared.

Until the nine cracks appeared and surrounded the mausoleum where Gao Yang and others were located.

He glanced at the surrounding cracks and the scene inside, as well as the corpse blood condensed in the air in all these cracks at the moment.

Suddenly, Gao Yang's mind flashed.

Then, as if thinking of something, Gao Yang suddenly turned his head and quickly asked Taoist Yuxu next to him: "You said earlier that there are ten enchantments in my Huaxia region this time?"

Although he didn't know why Gao Yang asked this at this time, Taoist Yuxu still quickly said: "That's right, there are ten places in total."

After receiving Taoist Yuxu's answer, Gao Yang's eyes narrowed.

But at the same time, an idea quietly appeared in Gao Yang's mind.

In the sight of others, the nine cracks that originally surrounded the mausoleum began to gradually shrink or even disappear completely.

But as the cracks connecting the sky and the ground continued to disappear, everyone present took a deep breath.

Even Gao Yang's eyes suddenly shrank at this moment. _

Chapter Five Hundred and Nineteen It's a Kindness

Afterwards, regardless of the formations and restrictions around the mausoleum, Gao Yang rushed to the sky instantly with his right foot.

At the moment when his body flew into the air, Gao Yang's expression also became more dignified.

After the last time in the Scarlet Space, Gao Yang specifically asked Liu Zhaoyun and Zhao Wan'er to get to know each other.

So I also know that the blood-colored space before is actually another small space opened up that needs to constantly rely on energy to exist.

It is similar to the mustard seed that Buddhists say.

And this place of inheritance - obviously the same.

So although this space is not big, it is still one-third the size of Jinhua City.

But now, following the previous changes, in Gao Yang's line of sight, as the cracks between the sky and the ground disappeared, the mountains that existed around the Mausoleum suddenly disappeared.

In turn, it became the other nine mausoleums.

Combined with what Fang Tiancheng said before, Gao Yang still doesn't know what the situation is now.

I don't know why, but the other nine inheritance places in Huaxia were also connected and concentrated in one place at the same time.

And at the moment where Gao Yang is, it is the center of the ten mausoleums.

It was also after Gao Yang ascended the heights and saw all the happiness around him, and then the ground of the mausoleum below shook violently a few times.

At the original position of the inheritance hall, a nine-story tower suddenly drilled out of the ground and directly broke through the inheritance hall.

The whole tower looks bloody, as if it was all poured with blood.

And at the same time as this blood tower appeared, Gao Yang could clearly feel the aura of the bloody corpse around him getting stronger.

At the same time, one after another fluctuations came from the surroundings quickly.

But it is the monks of the people in other places of inheritance.

Not only that, in Gao Yang's line of sight, behind these monks, there are layers of blood mist constantly spreading.

And these blood mist just swallowed several of the monks, and the sound of screams also sounded from inside.

However, no matter how long Gao Yang focused on these people, they were in Gao Yang's sight.

Around the mausoleum where Li Wanshan is located, there are eight blood pagodas gradually rising from other places.

It's just that the height of these blood towers is different from the previous nine-story blood towers.

Instead, it presents an increasing state from the first floor to the eighth floor.

It was also after the appearance of the other eight blood towers that the bloody energy had completely dyed the sky and the ground red.

Even the surrounding ground was blood red.

And a wave of blood-colored energy quickly spread and enveloped the entire mausoleum.

Gao Yang slowly fell from the sky after seeing the surrounding scenes in his eyes.

"Boss, did you find anything?"

Hearing the sound, Gao Yang pinched the formula while responding: "It's corpse blood demon and some special formations."

While speaking, one after another of true essence talismans were condensed by Gao Yang with his true essence.

"How did such an accident happen?" A monk couldn't help muttering at this moment.

Gao Yang didn't respond to what the monk said.

To be honest, Gao Yang was also a little surprised by this change.

It stands to reason that these places of inheritance should be the preparations made by Li Wanshan and his predecessors for future generations.

But now suddenly there is a large number of corpses and blood occupying them.

This feeling, on the contrary, is like a trap with ambush in sight.

Based on Li Wanshan's performance before, Gao Yang didn't feel that Li Wanshan was cheating Gao Yang to delay time.

After all, it is too easy to procrastinate in this place of inheritance.

The easiest thing is to make some levels, and it is estimated that no one will doubt it.

Soon, when Gao Yang continued to condense the talismans, a group of people from the other nine inheritance places around also gathered.

The number of monks in the ten places of inheritance is over a thousand.

"Mr. Gao!"

Also as the monks approached, a vaguely familiar voice came to Gao Yang's ears.

Hearing the sound, Gao Yang, who was continuously condensing the talismans and falling on the ground, raised his head and took a look.

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