My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My female ghost is super fierce Chapter 807

Although the three men were assisted by magic weapons and formations, they could not resist the foreign man, who was a master of agility. They used their speed to suppress the three men.

The three men of Jingse used left and right blocks awkwardly. Every time they counterattacked, they failed, and they couldn't determine the specific position at all.

Instead, the foreign man pulled out a series of phantoms to confuse the judgment of the three people, and then took advantage of the three people's unpreparedness to strike from a tricky angle.

In just a moment, the clothes of the three men were reduced to rags, and their exposed skin was covered with scratches.

"Fuck you, grandma! If you have the ability, stand up and challenge Buddha to a duel. Whoever touches him will be a puppy!" Jie Ang's eyes widened and he cursed. The feeling of being suppressed and beaten was too suffocating.

"Can you still show some respect? Now I'm going to challenge you three alone."

The foreign man laughed at the three men, who turned red with shame, and fought back wildly in all directions, but they couldn't even touch the corners of the foreign men's clothes.

Fang Tiancheng's expression became solemn, knowing that if the fight continued, the three of them would die, and he had to help them.

"Boss, can you tell where this foreign man is from?" Fang Tiancheng asked cautiously. 0

Gao Yang said lightly: "It should be a bat demon with level six cultivation, otherwise it wouldn't be so fast."

Fang Tiancheng recalled his fighting experience. It seemed that he had fought against ghosts, and he had very little experience in catching monsters.

However, seeing that the three men in Jingse were getting more and more desperate, Fang Tiancheng couldn't just sit back and ignore them. He should have stepped forward to help them no matter what.

After adjusting his clothes, Fang Tiancheng took a deep breath, with a look of generous death on his face: "Boss, I'll go up and help them."

Gao Yang grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the dry fruit plate, picked up a melon seed and cracked it open, chewing the melon seeds and spoke casually.

"You can go in peace."

? ? ?

Fang Tiancheng looked at Gao Yang speechlessly.

Gao Yang raised his eyelids and looked down at Tiancheng: "You don't think it's good. Do you want to explain it differently?"

Fang Tiancheng nodded vigorously, hoping that Gao Yang would say something more auspicious.

Gao Yang smiled and said, "You can go with ease."

Fang Tiancheng's expectant smile froze in an instant. He felt a little weird when listening to the big man's words. . .

The battle on the side has already entered a fever pitch. Under the playful attacks of the gringos, the coats of the three men were torn to pieces, revealing their tight-fitting bright red pants.

"You are just mediocre. You dare to come out and be arrogant at such a low level. Don't you 0.8 know that the outside world is very dangerous? Let me send you three losers on the road!"

The gringo was already murderous, and the ten sharp nails on his hands were filled with red blood mist, which looked extremely strange.

"You two hold me back, I'll go up and fight him!"

Jiese roared angrily, swung the Demon-Conquering Bell and bumped into the gringo, trying to close the distance, and used the Demon-Conquering Bell to complete the final blow.

With angry eyes in their eyes, Jie Cai and Jie Nu waved their magic weapons together and rushed over after Jie Se.

"I only need to grab it lightly and I can easily crush your heads!"

The foreigner looked at the three of Jiese with disdain, and suddenly stretched out his right arm to grab Jiese's face.

Seeing the five sharp claws approaching quickly with blood mist, Jiese closed his eyes tightly and shouted in a panic: "Buddha, help!"_

Chapter 637: Secret Service Division


Just when he was about to crush Jiese's head, the gringo's knees weakened and he suddenly fell to his knees.

The strange numbness in the knee joints made the foreigner frown tightly, thinking to himself that he was suffering from calcium deficiency?

Jie Se stared for three seconds, but did not feel the breath of death, so he slowly opened his eyes a crack.

Seeing that there was no sign of the gringos in front of him, Jie Se suddenly fell into a trance.

"I wonder if it is the critical moment that the Buddha appears. Ammi Tofu, after I go back, I must offer two more chicken drumsticks to the Buddha. I must give the Buddha an extra meal!" Jie Se said with great piety.

Jiecai pulled Jiese's sleeves and whispered, "Are you looking down?"

"Look down there? What's good down there."

Jiese said there was nothing interesting to see, but his head slowly lowered.

The gringo raised his head with a ferocious look, just in time to meet his lustful gaze.

"Oh my God! Didn't the Buddha save you?" After Jiese finished speaking, a bad thought suddenly arose in his heart. He stretched out his arms and pulled Jiese and Jiwen back together.

"Junior brothers, be careful. This evil heretic is probably going to do something wrong, so everyone should be careful!"

The gringo's cheeks twitched ten times, and he stood up with a look of embarrassment: "I made a small mistake just now, so I asked you to hang on a little longer, but you will be dead this time!"

Feeling that he had lost all face, the foreigner used all his strength and rushed towards Jiese.

Jie Se raised the Demon-Conquering Bell in his hand, and the Demon-Conquering Bell flew out horizontally, stopping the charging foreigner.

"it's useless!"

The gringo waved his palm, and a bloody mist enveloped the Demon-Conquering Bell.

Jiese's complexion changed drastically, and he mobilized his whole body's true energy to control the Demon-Conquering Bell, hoping that the Demon-Conquering Bell would break out of the blood mist.

"Come and help, otherwise my Demon-Conquering Bell will be destroyed!"

Jiecai and Jiewu rushed towards the foreigner together, but they were no match for the foreigner. They didn't even hit him twice before they were knocked backwards by the foreigner.

"You must die in the order I have decided, and you will be the first!"

The gringo grabbed Jiese's head again, this time with his whole body on guard to prevent another accident.

Jie Se felt that he was really dead this time, and when he was about to close his eyes and wait for death, he was surprised to see the gringo bend his knees and kneel straight in front of him.

"What is going on? Could it be that the Buddha protected me from death?" Jiese murmured to himself in confusion.

The gringo's eyes were filled with anger. It might be a coincidence that he knelt down once, but it was definitely not a coincidence that he knelt down twice at critical moments!

After looking down carefully, the foreigner saw a melon seed shell next to his knee, and his eyebrows suddenly knitted together.

This is someone hitting his knee socket with a melon seed shell and forcing him to kneel down!

Master, there is definitely a master in this bar!

After thinking about it, the foreigner suddenly panicked and felt that he could not stay any longer and had to leave here as soon as possible.

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