My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 1,684 No Man’s Land!

At ninety o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen and others took an ordinary flight from Zhonghai Airport in an extremely low-key manner, and soon arrived at the Shennongjia parking lot.

"finally reached."

Ye Chen, Avril and others got off the plane. Looking at the lush mountains and forests in the distance, they felt a sense of relaxation and joy.

"Is Shennongjia over there? It is indeed one of the famous forbidden places in China. I seem to feel that there is something special about this place."

Avril looked at Shennongjia not far away and said in a deep voice.

"It's a little different."

Ye Chen took a deep breath, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

This was Ye Chen's first time coming to Shennongjia. Although it was still far away, Ye Chen still felt the majesty of Shennongjia.

"Hades, is the Immortal Tomb here?"

Apollo and Artemis walked over and said in a deep voice.

"right here."

Ye Chen said with certainty.

Only he knew that when the plane flew over Shennongjia, the Four Spirits Jade Pendant on his body slightly emitted something strange.

Obviously, the Four Spirits Jade Pendant should have sensed the mausoleum, and then some reactions appeared.

It seems that the military advisor was right. The Immortal Tomb is located in Shennongjia.

"Hades, where are we going now?"

Artemis asked casually.

"Let's meet up with the military advisor first. They have stayed in Shennongjia for so long and they should know the general location of the Immortal Tomb. I guess they should be inside Shennongjia now."

Ye Chen said in a deep voice: "Let's go, let's enter Shennongjia first."

Now many people are staring at the Dragon Soul people. When Ye Chen came this time, only a few people knew that there was no one who mobilized the Dragon Soul.

So the military advisor didn't know that Ye Chen was coming, and no one came to pick him up.

Avril and others nodded,

Then the group walked out of the airport.

The airport entrance was full of chartered buses taking tourists to Shennongjia. Ye Chen, Avril and others casually came to a taxi.

"Master, how much does it cost to go to Shennongjia?"

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"For the sake of your international friends, I'll charge you one hundred and fifty. This place is still far away from the entrance of the Shennongjia scenic spot."

The taxi driver was a middle-aged man in his forties. He glanced at Avril and others next to Ye Chen and said with a smile.

Ye Chen nodded, took out two hundred and handed it to the taxi driver, and said calmly: "I'll give you five hundred, and you will take us to Shennongjia."

"Are you going to explore Shennongjia?"

The taxi driver frowned and reminded with a kind face: "It's very dangerous inside Shennongjia, especially the no-man's land. Once you get in, you can't get out. Many people have disappeared inside over the years."

"I asked this master whether he should go or not. There is so much nonsense. If you don't go, we will find someone else."

Avril said with an impatient look.

The taxi driver gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Okay, I'll take you right in, but I promised you that I can't take you too deep." "Just take us in."

Ye Chen said with a smile, and then the group got into the taxi.

"Hades, why do you want him to send us in specifically?"

Avril asked quietly as she got into the car.

"Shennongjia Scenic Area is an officially opened scenic spot. It only occupies a small part of Shennongjia. It is considered the periphery of Shennongjia. If you enter from the entrance of the scenic area and want to go deep into Shennongjia, it will take a lot of time, and it is also easy to attract people. Pay attention, these taxi drivers are active around Shennongjia all year round, and they know how to take us into no man's land."

Ye Chen explained with a smile: "The purpose of our trip is to keep our whereabouts secret. The later we can be discovered by others, the more advantage we will have."

Avril and the others nodded, a solemn look flashing in their eyes.

This time, the Immortal Tomb and his party were of great importance, and even Apollo and others did not dare to take it lightly.

If they could get the Heart of Gaia without interference from others, even if it was a little troublesome, Apollo and the others wouldn't have any complaints.

"Young man, your accent sounds like you're from a big city."

The taxi driver said with a smile while driving.

"Yes, driver, are you from here?"

Ye Chen asked casually.

"I'm a native of the next county."

The driver said with a smile.

"Then you should be familiar with Shennongjia. Can you tell us about the no-man's land?"

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"No man's land?"

The driver frowned and said with a serious face: "Young man, I advise you not to go to no man's land. He is more dangerous than you think."

"We have advanced equipment and many years of experience in rainforest exploration. As long as we are careful, there should be no problem."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Young man, you underestimate the no man's land. The no man's land in Shennongjia is much more dangerous than any other place because there are many powerful beasts and savages in it."

The driver said with a solemn expression.


Ye Chen frowned and said in a deep voice: "There are still savages in the no-man's land?"

According to the concentration of spiritual energy in Shennongjia, there should be many spiritual beasts who have successfully cultivated among the beasts living inside.

With these spiritual beasts around, there are still savages?

Could it be that there are spiritual beasts inside that have become spirits and transformed into humans?

"Don't believe it. When I was a child, my father once took people through the no-man's land. However, he saw tourists entering the no-man's land and being torn in half alive by savages and devoured."

The driver said with a look of fear: "Since then, my father has never entered the no-man's land of Shennongjia."

"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Chen squinted his eyes and nodded slightly, a strange color flashing in his eyes.

Next, the driver introduced some things about Shennongjia, but most of them were legends. After Ye Chen said a few words, he stopped talking.

The taxi walked for more than an hour, with the sun hanging high in the middle, before the taxi arrived at the foot of an extremely remote slope.

"This is the outskirts of the no-man's land. If you go up from this place, climb over this slope, and walk for a while, you will be considered to have entered the no-man's land."

The driver said in a deep voice: "The road behind is more difficult, so I can only send you here."

"Thank you very much!"

Ye Chen smiled, then got out of the car, and walked towards the jungle with Avril and others.

"What a pretty girl, it's a pity that she has to go into no man's land to die, alas!"

The driver shook his head, looked at the backs of Avril and others with a look of pity, then turned the car around and left.

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