My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 1843: Furious!

If Ye Chen didn't know such a simple hint, then Ye Chen wouldn't be alive until now.

No wonder the Xuan family came to him to exchange Xuanyuan's inheritance. It turned out to be for this reason.

Although he knew that Xuanyuan had descendants, Ye Chen knew for the first time that there were branches in the secular world.

No wonder Ji Wushuang got together with Xuan Rui.

With the Xuan family's family background, they are indeed qualified for the Ji family to take them seriously.

"I didn't expect you to tell me these things."

Ye Chen glanced at Qi Shiyue, slightly surprised.

His relationship with Qi Shiyue is not very good.

The other party told him such big news so kindly, Ye Chen had to be on guard, there might be something wrong with it.

"These are not secrets. Even if I tell you in advance, it doesn't matter."

Qi Shiyue said with a smile.

"This Xuan family is a branch of the Xuxuan family in Kunlun?"

Ye Chen suddenly asked at this time.

"I don't know the specific things very clearly, but the Xuan family has been in China for a long time, but only some long-established families know that the Xuan family is actually a branch of the Kunlun Xu Xuanyuan family."

Qi Shiyue hesitated for a moment and said softly.

"Kunlunxu Xuanyuan family?"

A sharp look flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

"I think my father said that the Xuanyuan family is one of the top families in Kunlunxu. It is extremely powerful and can be regarded as one of the overlords of Kunlunxu."

Suzaku spoke at this time.

"The Xuanyuan family is so powerful?"

Ye Chen raised a playful smile on his lips: "No wonder the Xuan family is so arrogant, it turns out they have such deep roots."

If Kunlun Xu opens up,

Ye Chen might still be a little afraid of the Xuanyuan family.

But now that Kunlun has not yet opened up, no matter how strong the Xuan family is, Ye Chen is not too afraid.

With his current strength, he would be able to fight even against an ordinary Yuan Condensing powerhouse.

"It seems that Mr. Ye is very confident."

Qi Shiyue glanced at Ye Chen with her bright eyes and said softly.

"It's not that I'm confident, I'm just not afraid."

Ye Chen said lightly.

"Then I will wait for the good news from Mr. Ye."

Qi Shiyue said with a smile, then twisted her waist and left.

"Ye Chen, when did this woman become so kind and tell us such important news?"

Suzaku asked with curiosity on his face.

"This is the scary thing about this woman."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Fortunately, this woman doesn't practice martial arts, otherwise I might really have a formidable enemy."

"It seems that you have a pretty high opinion of this old woman, Qi Shiyue."

Suzaku glanced at Ye Chen and said angrily.

"It's just a matter of fact. After all, it's really not something ordinary people can do for a woman to thrive in Yanjing."

Ye Chen said with a smile.

Suzaku was a little unconvinced, and was about to say a few words to Ye Chenjuan, when Ye Chen's phone suddenly rang.

Ye Chen took out the phone and saw that it was Li Jun's phone number, and couldn't help but frown.

Li Jun rarely called him unless there was something big.

Could it be that something happened in Hades Palace?

Ye Chen picked up the phone casually and said casually: "Li Jun, shouldn't you be on a business trip in Africa at this time? Why are you calling me at this time?"

"Boss, it's bad, something happened."

Li Jun's urgent voice came out on the phone.

"Something happened in Hades Palace?"

Ye Chen's eyes turned cold and he said in a deep voice.

"It's not Mingdian, it's Xiaoyu. When I contacted Xiaoyu today, there was suddenly no news, and several people I sent around Xiaoyu have disappeared now. I suspect something happened."

Li Jun said in a deep voice.

"What, something happened to Xiaoyu?"

Ye Chen's expression changed, his whole body tensed subconsciously, and a strong killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Yu is the younger sister of Ye Chen's comrade Er Gouzi. On the African battlefield, if he, the captain, had not sensed the danger and led the Langya team into an encirclement, Er Gouzi would not have died on the battlefield to save Wang Zhipeng.

Ye Chen has always felt deeply guilty about Er Gouzi and Er Gouzi's relatives.

However, Er Gouzi's father died when he was a child, and apart from his mother and his sister Xiao Yu, he has no living relatives.

Since the accident, Ye Chen, Li Jun and others have been secretly taking care of Er Gouzi's mother and sister's family life in order not to disturb their lives. They send some money there regularly every year and send some people to guard them. Those around them were afraid that their enemies would do anything to Xiaoyu and the others.

Unexpectedly, what was supposed to come finally came.

"Now I can't contact Xiaoyu at all. I asked the technical department to investigate Xiaoyu's mobile phone and found that it was turned off. I suspect that something happened."

Li Jun said in a quick voice.

"Where is Xiaoyu now?"

Ye Chen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"The person disappeared at Jinling University. Boss, please go to Jinling quickly and find out what happened."

Li Jun gritted his teeth and said: "Er Gouzi is the only sister who was loved like a treasure when he was on the mission. Now that Er Gouzi is gone, we brothers can't even protect his sister. Otherwise, how can I explain to Ergouzi if I go down there in the future?"


Ye Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said in a deep voice: "I know, I'm going to Jinling right now."

"Boss, if you need any help, please let me know in time."

Li Jun said in a deep voice.


Ye Chen responded and then hung up the phone.

"Ye Chen, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Suzaku looked at Ye Chen's murderous look and asked in a deep voice.

"A friend of mine disappeared in Jinling. I want to go to Jinling now."

Ye Chen said with a solemn expression.

"Jinling? Is it the Xuan family's fault?"

Suzaku frowned and asked seriously.

"It's hard to say, but I can't rule out that it's the Xuan family's fault."

Ye Chen said with murderous intent: "If he provokes me again and again, if he touches Xiao Yu even a hair, I will definitely skin Xuan Rui and cramp him this time."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Suzaku's expression changed slightly.

"Ye Chen, calm down. Jinling is the territory of the Xuan family. If you rush in so impulsively, you might fall into their trap."

Suzaku said with a concerned look on his face.

"Trap? It depends on whether they, the local snakes, are more powerful, or whether I, the dragon crossing the river, is more ferocious."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, and disappeared into Jiuzhongtian Pavilion with a movement of his body.

Seeing Ye Chen leave with murderous intent on his face, Suzaku stomped his feet angrily.

"No, I have to go and talk to my father, otherwise, there will be chaos in Aurous Hill."

Suzaku gritted his teeth and left in a hurry.

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