My Fiancee is a Cold CEO

Chapter 561 Drying clothes

Although the island was weird, Ye Chen and Su Xiyue still had to go inside.

Based on the position of the sun, Ye Chen estimated the time now. It should be around ten o'clock in the morning. Su Xiyue didn't have much dinner last night. In addition, the strenuous exercise at night consumed a lot of energy and energy. At this time, I was already hungry.

Ye Chen can go without eating for a day, but if Su Xiyue doesn't eat, it may be difficult to survive until the rescue team arrives.

Ye Chen and Su Xiyue discussed for a while, and the two of them walked towards the forest in the middle of the island. This forest seemed to have not been damaged by man, and there were not even human traces. Ye Chen walked in front to explore the way. Su Xiyue pulled the hem of her evening dress and followed him. There were lush plants in the woods, and Su Xiyue was tripped by the branches and leaves from time to time.

Ye Chen looked at the nervous look on Su Xiyue's face and introduced various plants on the roadside as he walked, explaining the various uses of these plants.

Ye Chen had performed missions in tropical rainforests such as the Amazon in his early years, so his ability to survive in the wild was not a problem. Most biologists may not be as proficient in this area of ​​knowledge as Ye Chen.

Su Xiyue lives in a big city on weekdays. She has never seen these plants on TV. She immediately looked at the surrounding plants with curiosity, and her nervous expression slowly relaxed.

What made Ye Chen feel very lucky was that deep in the forest, Ye Chen found a small stream. Water was the most important thing in wild life. Without water, Su Xiyue might not be able to survive for a few days.

The stream water in front of him was crystal clear and not polluted at all. Ye Chen reluctantly mobilized the energy in his body to remove the impurities in the water, and used a wide leaf to get some water for Su Xiyue to drink.

"Xiyue, let's find a place to rest first and solve the problem of lunch. You must be starving after not eating for so long."

Ye Chen drank some water, looked at Su Xiyue and said softly.


Su Xiyue nodded. After such a long time, Su Xiyue did feel extremely hungry.

Ye Chen and Su Xiyue walked towards a hill in Zhōng Yāng of the forest. Soon, Ye Chen discovered a cave covered by branches.

"There is a cave over there, let's rest there today."

Ye Chen showed a hint of joy on his face and hurriedly walked in with Su Xiyue.

There was nothing in the cave except some fallen leaves and branches. Ye Chen and Su Xiyue cleaned the cave a little.

"Xiyue, you take a rest here first. I'll get some wood and see if there's anything to eat."

Ye Chen looked at Su Xiyue and said with a smile.

"No, I'll go with you."

Su Xiyue said slightly nervously.

This island is so weird. Only by Ye Chen's side can Su Xiyue feel safe. At this time, she doesn't dare to stay alone in the cave.

"Okay, then you come with me."

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment and said softly.

Before he figured out the island, Ye Chen was really worried about Su Xiyue staying on the island alone.

Ye Chen and Su Xiyue came out of the cave, cut some branches and brought them back to the cave, and then searched the woods for anything edible.

Although Ye Chen did not find any live animals on the island, there were a lot of edible fruits. Ye Chen picked some and then went to the beach to catch a few sea fish before returning home with a full load.

"Ye Chen, we don't have a fire. If you catch these fish, we can't eat them."

Su Xiyue looked at the sea fish in Ye Chen's hand, swallowed her throat, and said softly.

"Just light a fire,

Can you still stump your husband? "

Ye Chen said with confidence.

A look of confusion appeared on Su Xiyue's face, and she said softly: "You don't want to use the old method of drilling wood to make fire, do you?"

"We don't have suitable wood, so drilling wood to make fire would be exhausting."

Ye Chen shook his head, took out a scalpel from the dragon pattern ring, and then picked up a stone next to it.

This stone is the stone that Ye Chen finally found just now, and it can be used as a flint.

Ye Chen placed the back of the knife on the flint and suddenly rubbed it against each other. A spark slipped from the flint and landed on the weeds below. A trace of smoke came out from the dry grass.

Ye Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and blew slightly into the grass. Soon, the hay was lit with flames.

"There's a fire."

Su Xiyue showed a look of excitement on her face, as happy as a little girl who got candy.

Ye Chen carefully put the branch into the flame. The flame burned brighter and brighter, and the faint firelight illuminated Su Xiyue's pretty face dazzlingly.

Ye Chen put the sea fish next to him on the flame and slowly grilled it. After a while, a faint fragrance spread in the cave.

Su Xiyue's stomach was growling with hunger at this time. She looked straight at the grilled fish that was gradually turning yellow, and swallowed subconsciously.

"Without oil and seasoning, I'm afraid it will taste very bad, so let's make do with it for now."

Ye Chen handed a piece of grilled fish to Su Xiyue.

Su Xiyue took the grilled fish and ate it in small bites with a bright smile on her face. She looked at Ye Chen softly and said with a smile: "This is the most meaningful grilled fish I have ever eaten in my life. "

"If you like, we can go on an outing in the wild in the future, and then let you taste my craftsmanship."

A smile appeared on Ye Chen's face and he said softly.

"Then we have an agreement."

Su Xiyue smiled playfully.

Ye Chen was also very hungry at this time. The two of them ate more than a dozen sea fish and a handful of wild fruits, and then they patted their stomachs with satisfaction.

"Don't move, there's something in the corner of your mouth."

Ye Chen reached out and gently wiped the corner of Su Xiyue's mouth.

Su Xiyue's body trembled and she looked at Ye Chen softly.

After solving the problem of food and clothing, Ye Chen took off his wet clothes.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing."

Su Xiyue looked at Ye Chen's movements and said evasively.

"Of course I need to dry my clothes. It's so uncomfortable to wear them wet."

Ye Chen casually hung the clothes on the branches and put them on the campfire to dry, and said casually.

After Ye Chen said this, Su Xiyue felt that the clothes on her body were wet and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Xiyue, take off this evening dress and dry it on the fire now."

Ye Chen looked at Su Xiyue's wet evening dress and said with a smile.

An unnatural look flashed across Su Xiyue's face, and she said softly: "The clothes on my body are almost dry, so there's no need to dry them."

"Wife Xiyue, there are only two of us here, what do you have to worry about."

Ye Chen coughed twice and said righteously: "Hurry and dry your clothes, otherwise you will catch a cold and have a fever on the island, which will be in trouble." (To be continued)

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